I’m just tired…

I just wrote today about our string of bad luck, loss and stress since November. That was before we got the news…the clay pipe from the house to the septic system is gone.

We started to get water in our basement a couple of weeks ago but thought it was ground water. Then it got worse and worse.

Marty checked if it was coming from the washer, it wasn’t. Today, he looked in a crawl space where the septic system starts and discovered 3 feet of the clay pipe gone.

There are lots of details but this where we are are at 7:51 pm. We have no septic, meaning we can’t use any water except in buckets and dumping them outside. No toilets is a big one or two I should say.

Marty met with a local guy who does this type of work and found out a new pipeline needs to be installed. Easy? Never for us.

We have to have a 190 year old retaining wall taken down so the machinery can dig the new line. A new wall will need to be installed.

Our outdoor walk-in refrigerator needs to be moved. A new tank will have to be installed since the old piping is under part of our production kitchen and there is no way to get to it without destroying the buildings.

We won’t have water for the next 24-48 hours. The inside of our house sells like it is the septic system. It’s bad, very bad.

We can’t go into production until the septic system is repaired. By the way, we had to put a new septic system in two weeks after we bought our house in 2004, that didn’t include the clay piping.

Restaurants will have to 86 our spätzle on their menus and replace it with another starch. Stores will have to wait. Customers will have to wait which means no sales.

We will have a total fucking mess after the new septic is installed. The person who is doing the job will then start putting everything back together. It will look good when it’s all over, but still what the actual fuck!

At this point I am done. Marty is done too. I thought we were good people who constantly try to help others, but get the short end of the stick every time.

We are lucky we have neighbors who graciously offered their restrooms and showers which we will have to take them up on since it’s a very shitty situation.

I’m not editing this post, it is what it is. I’ll keep you posted. ~julz

6 Replies to “I’m just tired…”

  1. Holy shit!.That stinks! … in everyway. So sorry you are going through that. I hope all is restored as soon as possible.

    1. Oh my goodness…I mean badness!!! I feel horrible for you guys. Please reach out if there is anything Ken or I can do for you. We have a shower, you know where we live 😘

  2. It really has been never ending for you and Marty. It will get better. 💗

  3. Omg you guys so so sorry. We sent you an email. Reach out for what you need. ❤️

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