More bad news…

Photo credit Stephen Swinburne a children’s book writer and one of the first friends along with his wife Heather, we made when we moved to VT in 1989.

The photo that our friend Steve took of a road in the midst of mud season this year sums up my mood today. I feel worn down like I’ve gone through hell and need improving.

Yesterday, I thought things were finally going in the right direction concerning my pneumonia; I got a call this morning that things are more complicated than they thought. Shit!

One of my providers called this morning and told me the radiologist is concerned that my yesterday’s X-ray shows scarring in both my lungs but worse in the left one. No wonder why I am still coughing until I almost puke.

I am to have a cat scan before Wednesday afternoon to understand better what’s happening. There are no tumors, thank God. 

I guess that’s something to be very grateful for. 

The question is…is the scarring from pneumonia or from Humira? In some patients, Humira does cause issues with the lungs when taken for a period of time. Fuck!

The Humira pulled me out of a scary colitis flare-up in 2018 and has kept me in remission. Obviously, pneumonia is a thing that needs to be treated since it could become a matter of life or death. 

The provider also prescribed the very last antibiotic available to treat this. Insurance needs proof from the providers that all other courses of action were taken without success. 

I asked the pharmacist if I could pay out of pocket. The prescription for Xenleta costs $2,000! WTF for ten tablets? 

So I am waiting to hear back from the pharmacist if insurance will cover it after they receive the documentation from the providers. 

I am also waiting for central scheduling to call to make the cat scan appointment for early next week. 

Of course, I updated my gastroenterologist in Dartmouth Hitchcock to keep him in the loop, especially because it concerns the Humira and my inflammatory bowel disease. 

Sigh. That is all. 

3 Replies to “More bad news…

  1. Enough is enough already! So sorry you are going through this. Hoping you get resolution soon.

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