When I started writing about my “gifts,” I intended to go from my healing energy work and make my way to my different psychic abilities. I wanted to start slow; you will see how close everything is linked.
That is until Monday night; it changed my blog posts around. Before I begin, I want to share with you all how freaky and unbelievably this stuff is to me, especially when I am least expecting it.
When we started our spätzle business, I put my psychic stuff on hold by closing the veil to the other side.
A veil separates our real world from the spirit world. By closing the veil, I could concentrate on our company and not be interrupted.
A few months ago, I reopened the veil while I was working on a house clearing for a friend. It was scary and hard work; thank goodness I had help from some energy worker friends. It turned out to be a successful clearing for everyone involved.
I left the veil open and could feel my abilities gaining strength again, even after five years. I kept up with my healing work like reiki, chakra, and aura work, but shut done the psychic stuff, for the most part.
Monday night, I dreamt about my old black cat, Sheba. I immediately recognized her in the dream, realizing it was a visit, not a dream.
Ok, here is where the crazy shit starts, Sheba was my cat not from this life but from many lives ago. I know it’s nuts!
Around 12 or 13 years ago, when I was learning and honing my psychic abilities, I was on a roll doing past life regressions on myself. It was easy for me, and some of the things I was shown made much sense for this current life.
If you don’t believe in past lives and coming back over and over again until we learn our soul’s lessons, then none of this will matter or make sense, I’m afraid.
One of my lives ended with me as a very old woman sitting in a chair in front of a primitive fireplace with a big black cat sleeping on my lap. I knew right away the cat’s name was Sheba.

Jump ahead a couple of years when a psychic person came straight up to me and told me I had a large black cat with me all the time, and it’s been there for many lives. Holy shit!
I knew they meant it was Sheba. It made me laugh, thinking someone else saw my big black cat. I wasn’t a total lunatic. They also said I am more powerful than I realize.
When I woke from my visit with Sheba Monday night, I did what I always did and asked for total confirmation that this was Sheba from so long ago.
I always ask for a minimum of three confirmations, so I know it’s not coincidental.
Does the other side laugh its ass off saying you want confirmation? Here it is! This time they went over the top.
On Tuesday, when I opened Facebook, I saw one of my friends post the first black cat. After scrolling down, I saw another friend’s post, which also had a black cat.

I have a lot of friends that celebrate the Pagan holidays, so many of them posted blessing wishes last week for the Autumn Equinox or the holiday called Mabon.

That explains why I saw two more black cats. Why did they show up almost a week later when I’ve been through my newsfeed daily? Maybe it’s a coincidence?

Tuesday night, Marty and I watched a travel program called James May, “Our man in Japan,” and what do you think they said five times in one short scene? Black cat!
At this point, I started freaking out, and Marty didn’t know what was happening. I grabbed my phone, opened photos, and showed him the screenshot photos of the black cats I saw earlier in the day. I told him the story, and he didn’t say anything; I am sure he thought I was off my nut!
Wednesday, I had to stop at our vet to pick up medicine for Klaus. When I got there, I noticed I could go in immediately and didn’t have to call or have someone come out. I stood at the counter waiting for Klausie’s meds when a woman stood next to me and told the employee behind the counter about her three black cats!
In my head, I was thinking, are you kidding me? Then she repeated black cat. It was more than unbelievable; it was also amusing at this point.
Today, I saw a post from one of my longtime friends who puts up different creepy old black and white Halloween photos. There wasn’t a black cat in any Halloween pics, but his profile photo was a black cat!

I showed Marty and said, “You see?” Then I reminded him about the black cat lady at the vet that I told him about last night.
I saw and heard over ten black cat examples in 24 hours; it’s safe to say the universe convinced me it was a visit from Sheba, not a bunch of Mabon or Halloween season coincidences.
Why did Sheba visit me now? Was it because I opened the veil and she had been waiting? Maybe she wanted to let me know she was still there.
I don’t know, but the visit was special, like seeing an old friend. I cried in my “dream” when she kept purring, rubbing against my legs, and jumping up on my lap. She was still as black as coal and so soft and smooth. The details were incredible—what a great visit with her.
Ok, so now that I’ve jumped ahead about one past life regression, I’m sure half of you think I am crazier than you initially thought. Sometimes I do too. Lol.
I do know Everley and others told me I am only allowed to use my powers for good in this lifetime, specifically no black magic. I know in my heart of hearts in the life I had with Sheba that I was a witch and not a very nice one.
I have many Wiccan friends in this life; it’s as though I am drawn to them. Is it a test to see if I go back to practicing witchcraft myself? I wonder if this may be my chance to prove a lesson I should have learned long ago. I don’t know. Is the universe trying to tell me something?
I was pushed and pulled hard to write about this experience; maybe now that I did, the black cat references will stop, or maybe not. One thing for sure, whether I was good or bad, I loved Sheba so much, and I felt that overwhelming love again when she visited me.
After this post, I hope you guys stick around my blog and not run for the hills. 🤞🏽
Have a good night!
Years ago, my horse farrier was trimming my pony’s hooves, she shared with me that she prays and has ceremonies to call back her beloved dog, a Wolfhound to reincarnate within a year or two of passing. Sure enough, she receives a sign when her dog is reborn close by, and they are reunited. When I met her, she was in her fifties with her wolfhound by her side. I believed her. Why not💗I think it’s awesome.
Visits from the other side are awesome. I enjoy reading about your many gifts.
Great visit dream! Snd I love the over the top confirmations!!
This is so interesting and fascinating.
I’m sticking with you. I find this fascinating.
I ‘ditto’ Janice!