The very same spot…

Every year we go to the Arlington Firemen’s Carnival. Marty used to DJ the carnival with his friend Kevin; they would also be on call with the rescue squad. 

Every year, I take a selfie with Sammy in the same spot. Old Facebook posts came up in my memories, and I saw how much Sam has grown up. When it happens right in front of you, it’s not something you notice as much.

We hung out with Kevin, who was still the DJ, and his wife, Brenda. We stayed for the fireworks, which started at 9:30 pm, the most impressive fireworks to date with a fantastic finale.

Marty and I were exhausted from the farmers market, but he helped his buddy anyway pack up all the DJ equipment, tent, etc. Kevin was as tired as we were. 

This was the first year I sat in a chair and just people-watched and socialized a little since my brain was still fried from the market. It’s incredible to see the children I knew from school all grown up with lots of kids of their own.

We speak to so many people at the farmers market and give our “spätzle spiel” and a sample cup to potential customers over a couple of hundred times or more at any given market. That’s a lot of talking, even for me, who was voted the most talkative in my senior class at JFK High School. 😂

Sam didn’t want a wristband for the rides like he used to when he was little, but he got to drive the ambulance on two short rescue squad calls instead, which was his big dream when he was little. He is literally “living the dream.” Lol.

Today is Sunday, and I am not doing shit but swimming and feeding us easy food. I need to rest and recharge my batteries for another busy week ahead.

We have another gorgeous day here in Vermont! This is the nicest summer we’ve had in the 32 years we have lived here. I know we need the rain terribly, but we are enjoying the beautiful weather since we have it.

Have a great day, guys! 😎