A perfect bite…

What makes a perfect bite? Everyone has their ideas of what a perfect bite of food is. Some people prefer sweet bites, and others like me choose savory ones.

A perfect bite is when the taste is in perfect balance. Sweet, salty, soft, crunchy, sour, bitter, acidy, and umami are all in perfect harmony.

I’ve written about umami before and how it is considered the fifth sense of taste. It is what brings a dish over the finish line of deliciousness.

My perfect bite was a simple taco. A homemade corn tortilla with smoked brisket, creamy coleslaw, crunchy quick-pickled red onions, cilantro, and thinly sliced jalapeño peppers. 

The outdoor kitchen is open! I love my flat-top grill! ❤️

The brisket was the soft, unctuous umami, and the creamy coleslaw was crunchy, which also cooled down the jalapeño pepper. The quick-pickled red onion was another crunch element, along with the acid needed to cut through the fatty richness of the brisket. 

The cilantro? It is put on a dish for a purpose and not a garnish. I use cilantro in all my Thai, Indian and Mexican cooking. Some people say it tastes like soap; ok, I get it; but it enhances a dish with brightness and a unique flavor for the rest of us.

I make, taste, and eat a lot of food, so it should be applauded when a perfect bite stands out! Bravo!

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! Cheers!