Some blog posts are easy to write, especially the food ones; the words flow freely. Writing about when we are out and about is also easy. So is belly dance, but some posts are harder to write. Whenever I try to force a blog post, it sucks, and I delete it.
I follow my friend Jon’s advice about only writing if you have something to write about. Don’t write just for the sake of writing. It’s ok to take a day or two as a break and then return refreshed.
When I write a post, I let it simmer for a bit before I hit the publish button. When I reread what I wrote, I find mistakes that I missed while editing and correcting them. Sometimes I left out some crucial details that wrap up the story better. Sometimes I hit the delete button.
It doesn’t happen too often, deleting a post before I publish it, but it does happen. Those posts are ones that I write when I am tired, cranky, or annoyed about something. A couple of them have slipped through the cracks, and I’ve regretted them. I don’t delete a post once it’s published; what’s written has already been read. I learn from my mistakes.
Earlier today, while I was sitting on our back deck enjoying the sunshine and 68-degree temperatures, I wrote. I wrote for an hour. Marty joined me, and I saw his reaction as I talked about my piece. It was a negative post. I didn’t intend it to be, but it was. I hit the delete button. Fuck! What a waste of time, I thought.
I started thinking about my post and figured there are so many terrible things happening in our world right now to innocent people; I have no right to complain about anything. Nothing is significant when I think about it like that. Then I took some time to concentrate on positive energy for the world instead of sending out negativity.
I told Marty I deleted my post. He said good and suggested I write about deleted posts. That would be a good topic, he said. So here I am writing about it.
After talking with Marty, I started focusing on the beautiful weather, and I could grill tonight without snow on the deck! I didn’t have to wear boots or even a coat. It was fantastic! The serving platter didn’t freeze, and I brought a glass of wine outside with me. I know it’s still only March, but today reminded me that spring is just around the corner. ☺️