One day last week, Marty noticed a man with an easel set up diagonally from our house. Marty came and got me, and we went over to say hello and set what in the hell he was doing. It turns out that the man’s name is Ned, the husband of Maria who we know through the business.

Maria and Ned went to Martha’s Vineyard earlier in the month; Maria told me she loved our front porch with all the flowers. She said our house looked like the ones on Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket. Apparently, Ned liked our front porch too; he decided to paint our house while my flowers were still in all their glory.
We take such pride in our 1832 home and do our best to keep it well kept; it is a piece of Arlington history and should be treated with respect. We count ourselves lucky to be our home stewards. I consider us stewards rather than current owners; since we are caring for this historic home during our lifetime, and hopefully, many other people will do the same over the years. These old homes deserve it and so does our little town which was the first capital of Vermont.
I noticed a sketch of our house on paper; we left him to his artwork. I had no idea what to expect. I didn’t know how talented he is.

Marty went out to check on Ned about an hour later, and he was done! Marty took photos of the artist, his painting, and easel with our home in the background. The painting was beautiful! It captured that hot sunny summer day perfectly!

It turns out Ned is one of the artists who were painting pieces for an art exhibit of “Arlington gardens” or something like that.
After yesterday’s farmers market, we went to the art show and looked at the beautiful works of art done in both oil and watercolor. Our house didn’t make the show because the artist could only select a few pieces; Ned had four on display.
What a great feeling and an honor to have someone admire our home and come by to paint it. Somebody literally painted our house! The funny part of this story is that our next-door neighbors David and Arthur are having their beautiful, white, historic Deming House painted right now.
Thanks, Maria & Ned!