
Sunday morning snapping the boys photos all warm and cozy. I did’t know Marty took this, but I like it!

Sunday morning, it was pouring rain and chilly. We still sat outside and had our coffee; we just covered ourselves with the blankets we keep on the front porch. It’s a brilliant idea that we didn’t start doing until last summer. The porch is so comfortable that you can nap or even sleep, for that matter, out there.

I covered the boys, Otto & Klausie, with their red blankets and they stayed nestled up for over an hour. When it got warm out, they shed the blankets and slept the rest of the morning on the porch—the good life indeed for these spoiled dogs of ours.

Thank goodness we have the front porch with all the rainy weather we’ve had this year. Last summer, we had a campfire almost every night in our side yard, but it’s been too wet, too late, or raining every night. We haven’t had one fire yet this year.! Damn, we gotta get on that before we run out of summer nights.