
Ice cold double dirty vodka martini with a bleu cheese stuffed olive straight up! šŸø

It’s 9:05 pm and I just got home from bellydance class. I just finished putting away some groceries I picked up before class. It’s a drag to have to lug stuff inside when my legs feel like rubber after a day of production then dancing for 3 hours.

We have not eaten dinner before 9:30 pm for the last two weeks and tonight will be no exception. Lately, Marty and Sam have gone on rescue squad calls and don’t get home until close to 10 pm. I’m so busy catching up with things that before I know it they are home and we all eat together. As I recall eating late happens every summer when we are out straight with work.

Dance class was great tonite! Very hot and humid, but great. No matter how tired, stressed, or down any of us are, dance changes all of that and we leave happy. Dancing is the best therapy in the world!

I am sitting here waiting for the boys to get back and I made myself a double dirty vodka martini with a bleu cheese stuffed olive. I am craving salt probably because of how much we sweated tonight. I make my martinis with very little vermouth; I basically just wave the bottle over the ice to barely wet it. That’s the way my dad taught me when I was around 10 years old. He bartended for a caterer on weekends and taught me how to make drinks. That was the norm back then or at least in our house anyway.

I am so glad I made that pot of Bolognese sauce on Monday. I am reheating it and making some linguine. The funniest thing about being professional pasta makers is that we never have enough for ourselves to eat this time of the year!

Hi guys!

So cheers my friends! This is all I have in me tonight as far as a blog post, but I wanted to just say, “Hi!” Good-nite…

***We ate at 10:20 pm šŸ˜

3 Replies to “Cheers!”

  1. Ah…and now I’ll be craving a dirty martini and shall not rest til I get one. The Caputo GF flour arrived yesterday and perhaps today I’ll fling myself into the fray and attempt making my first pizza crust. A martini will certainly help. Wish me luck.

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