I love summer! It’s my favorite time of the year—way back when I spent countless days at the pool or the beach. When our boys were young, I took them almost every day to a pool, lake, or beach with Marty.
When I was young, I didn’t have to readjust my schedule to make time for the pool or going down the shore; I just did it. No guilt. They were carefree summer days.
When I was a full-time mom, I did everything I needed to get done early in the morning, packed everything up, and we spent the rest of the day, sometimes until 6 pm, at the rec pool or lake. No guilt. Sort of carefree summer days, at least as carefree as a mother of two young boys could be.
A couple of years ago, I realized why I wasn’t enjoying my summers anymore…I didn’t spend afternoons going to a lake, pool, or beach anymore since the boys are all grown up.
As I am older, I don’t particularly appreciate swimming in lakes or rivers…too many bugs. Lol. We don’t have a pool, even though we’ve considered getting one. We both know we realistically wouldn’t use it enough with the short Vermont summers and many iffy weather days.
I now realize that I’m not really missing the pool or lake; I am actually missing those carefree summer afternoons to relax in the sun and work on my tan. However, I still miss going down the shore and the beach a lot! Marty and I both do.
A couple of years ago, whenever I saw we were going to have a sunny & beautiful afternoon, I would plan on going to the “pool.” The pool was just a metaphor; it means I would sit in the sun and work on my tan, cooling off with a mister from the garden hose. Guilt-free.

Last summer, during the pandemic, I forgot about the “pool” since I wasn’t in the mood to lounge around carefree all afternoon. I didn’t care if I had a tan; it didn’t matter. We did have a campfire every night, though, which was awesome. “Campfire” was another metaphor for going camping.
This year I remembered my imaginary pool. I picked up right where I left off two summers ago. I put on some shorts and a bikini top, grab my towel, hose mister, stereo, and head outside. Carefree summer days!
“Does anyone need anything before I go to the pool?” That is my way of telling the guys that I’m off duty. I still get everything done earlier in the day, so I can at least get outside by 4 pm and stay at the “pool” until about 6 pm. Guilt-free.
Is it silly I say I’m going to the pool? My imaginary pool is what has given me my carefree summer days back. Having somewhere to “go” inspires me to get stuff done and to relax and enjoy our short Vermont summers to the fullest. I invite Marty to come to the pool with me; he did on Saturday after the farmers market. Yes, he squirted me with the hose. LOL!
You’re right – summer means carefree days even when not at the beach etc. Thanks for a fun post!