What came first?

Right after I got my Moderna vaccine I got a headache and a sore arm. A normal side effect. The headache went away the next day. 

I’ve been getting bad headaches every couple of days ever since. I thought it was not wearing my glasses, so my mask didn’t fog up; I was dehydrated, hungry, or sinuses. I took Tylenol since it’s the only over-the-counter medication I can take. The Tylenol didn’t help at all. I used my Netti-pot for my sinuses, which didn’t help either. 

I’ve been going on with my life, business as usual with the headaches until Sunday early evening, the headache came on suddenly and strong. The worst one so far. It went all the way from over my eyes down the back of my head into my neck.

Today we were in production, and the headache started again and got bad quickly. My ah-duh alert went off…it’s my blood pressure. Or is it?

Marty is an advanced EMT, so he got his medical bag and took my bp, which was 177/110. I have high bp and take daily meds to keep it in check. Marty told me to call my cardiologist, who I haven’t needed to see for four years, and left a message. 

Within five minutes, a nurse who remembered me called me back. Since I haven’t been there for so long, I am considered a new patient even though I’ve been a patient since 2013.

She told me to get to my primary care doc or urgent care as soon as I could. With some luck, I was able to snag an appointment and had to be there in 20 minutes. 

My bp was lower 138/100, and the doctor gave me a thorough exam. We talked in length after the exam and decided this was a case of which came first…The chicken or the egg?

If my bp is high, it gives me these types of headaches; if the headache is from the covid shot, it may elevate my blood pressure.

I have to monitor my bp and go back Tuesday for a nurse to retake my bp. She prescribed me something for headaches to take at bedtime when needed. 

Just now, the cardiology office called and gave me an appointment for mid-May. I’m on a cancellation list, so I may get in quicker. In the meantime, I get my second Covid shot next Wednesday. I guess if I get more or worse headaches, it could be just a side effect. 

It’s unknown if a Moderna vaccine headache can last three weeks; it has been reported to last at least one week, the doctor told me. She suspected it might be the vaccine, but it’s hard to tell without any real data. I have been the small percentage of people who get certain side effects from different medications in the past. Plus, many medications give me headaches, so again it’s a possibility. 

This afternoon Marty retook my bp, and it was 144/102. I actually hope these headaches are just a side effect that will eventually go away. That’s easier than dealing with high blood pressure again. I’ve run the gamut of all possible bp meds,  so who knows what the next step would be. 

I was happy with the care and urgency I received from both doctor’s offices today and somewhat of a plan. For now, I’ll wait and see what came first…the chicken or the egg?

2 Replies to “What came first?”

  1. What ever is the cause -please take care (I think you will). You are a treasure and I love your insight and writings.

  2. My husband both had similar experience after 2nd Moderna vaccine – sudden, intense headaches that would last a few hours – we had this for a week along with chills, slight fever and body aches that would come and go – no real pattern and eventually everything resolved We wish you well…..

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