Coffee on the front porch

This morning we didn’t have to wake up and head into the production kitchen right off the bat like usual. We planned out the week that today we can get ready for my first outdoor farmers market. Marty’s first outdoor market was last Saturday, which started at a brisk 18-degrees! 🥶

We have to get my tent, weights, banner sign, and heavier table to hold up to the winds in the Wilton Mall parking lot in Saratoga, NY. You can check out my market the Saratoga Farmers Market or Marty’s the Troy Waterfront Farmers Market. 

We didn’t go to farmer’s markets before starting The Vermont Spätzle Company since I worked weekends. I always thought they were expensive and wouldn’t have things I would actually use. Boy, was I wrong! 

Before the pandemic, Marty’s market in Troy was like an event every week, a destination spot for people to travel to. It was voted the number one farmers market in the whole country. Anywhere from 10,000-15,000 people would attend the expansive incredible market every Saturday. 

Of course, the pandemic changed all that. Last summer, the market was open under strict guidelines to keep people safe, restricting the number of people who could be at the market at once. They also had a one-way shopping directional flow. Last summer, between 2,000-3,000 people attended the market that runs from 9 am – 2 pm. 

This year both of our farmer’s markets have to follow those same guidelines for safe shopping. Everyone still needs to wear a mask and practice social distancing. No one is allowed to sample at their stalls and food should be eaten off-premises or an area dedicated for this purpose 

Both of us can’t wait for the guidelines to loosen up a bit. Not being able to sample makes our product’s sale trickier since at least 50% of people don’t even know what spätzle is. When we can sample, our product speaks for itself. The smell of spätzle being lightly sautéed in butter drifting out from under our tents is intoxicating. 

For now, we have to be patient and pray that things can only get better. We also do a farmers market right here in Arlington, VT, on Friday nights from 4-7 pm. The Arlington Village Farmers Market will run from June 18th through September 17th. The market has a new and improved, more spacious location at the Arlington Rec Park about a 1/4 of a mile north in route 7a from our house and production facility. It’s walkable through a path from Camping on the Battenkill campground, which is great for campers to get great local items to cook while camping.

If you have never attended a farmers market, I urge you to seek one out or visit us. You will find produce just picked that morning, perennials, flowers, herbs, maple syrup, honey, local eggs, beef, pork, chicken, and lamb. Prepared foods to go or to be eaten at the market once that is allowed again. Our markets have music, artisan pottery, jewelry, soaps, lotions, and candles. You literally can see who grew, raised, or made what you are buying with prices that can compete with supermarket prices. Knowing where your food comes from has become a priority for many people in the last year.

Otto on my lap and Klaus soaking up the morning sun.

This morning we enjoyed our coffee on our front porch with Otto and Klaus. The weather was perfect; the sun was strong, making the 44-degree temperature feel like 70. If I had to pick a spot to have my morning coffee, it would either be on a beach or just right here. ☺️