A journey of cooking and living my way

Photo credit Jen A

A funny thing happened during this whole covid pandemic; I learned to be on the journey and not the destination. Back in March, when everything was shut down, I was in shock like the rest of the world. I’m sure almost everyone can relate to some of the intense emotions I went through. Fear, anxiety, sadness, disbelief, anger, you know what I mean.

One afternoon my younger son Sam, who was sent home from college, watched me freaking out. Then he pointed out the most profound thing. “Your problem is you are always looking towards the destination, and never enjoy the journey.”

I started thinking about what he said and he was right! Whenever we drove somewhere on a trip, I would be looking at the clock and doing the math trying to figure out what time we would arrive. Then when GPS came along, I wanted to prove it wrong and get there faster. I never looked at the scenery, or enjoyed a pit stop lunch.

Whenever I started something new, I would be so impatient. I wanted to be good at whatever it was it right away. I observed my dance students on their journey of learning to belly dance. It was such a beautiful thing to watch. How they learned and improved, slowly over time. I didn’t do anything slowly. I didn’t savor anything. This needed to change.

I decided that if I am going to be quarantined and be home all the time, I was going to learn to make it a journey. It was tough the first couple of months trying to not keep thinking about the destination we all wanted. This covid nightmare to just disappear.

After a lot of work I realized “Hey look at me! I am on a journey!” We painted all the dark rooms in our home because “someday” I wanted a house that was light, bright and airy. A few gallons of paint took care of that. We built an outdoor kitchen because if I was going to be cooking so much, it would be nicer to cook outside. We enjoyed our summer for the first time in years.

Once it started getting colder out, I was restless indoors. At that point I became extremely angry and frustrated. I was really missing my dance classes. I needed to blow off some steam. I went up to our gym and started working out again. I haven’t been in the gym for almost 7 years. I guess it was the right time to get back into shape. Another step along the journey.

Then a couple weeks ago my friend Heather suggested starting a blog. I’ve thought about it for years, but never wanted to do it. My Facebook page was good enough. Then I thought “wake up stupid” this is the right time since I am still home all the time and bored to death. By the end of the day, I was fully committed. I didn’t expect to have it come together so quickly. It happened naturally with a lot of help from Marty. Now instead of watching one dumb tv show after another, I write.

I chose my new tag line “A journey of cooking and living my way” because that’s what this blog means to me. This is where I am right here and right now. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!