Creating content…

Yes, I made my first Youtube video while I am sick and looked terrible, but this is who I am today.

Today, I made my first video for a Youtube channel I am starting to create. My blog has been the same since I started because Word Press is difficult to navigate, and I never found someone to help me. I am not a techie person and do not enjoy trying to figure shit out.

I used to feel comfortable with social media sites like Facebook and Instagram for our business. I say used to because they change stuff all the time.

What I knew how to do was nothing since TikTok, reels, filters, and more shit came around during the pandemic. I guess that is what all the young people were doing while we were all on lockdown. I am slowly figuring it out, but it’s a chore.

As a ham with a big personality, I like making videos. Going live, not so much since I don’t want to look dumb and say stupid things. Marty is great at going live.

Like I wanted to start a blog for a while, I’ve wanted to jump on the content-creating bandwagon. Today, out of complete boredom, I made a video. I haven’t done editing because I still have to learn how to do it.

I created my Youtube channel named what else? Julzie Style. It’s my brand, so I’m sticking with it. I haven’t published the video to the public yet. I wanted to give you guys a sneak peek.

I realize many of you have never met me or seen me in person since we graduated from high school in ’84. So now is your chance to hear my voice and see me as I am today.

My first video:

For now, only you guys can see this on my blog. I am learning to edit, change the resolution, and do other fancy things to make it my own. Of course, I will be more upbeat when I am better, but blogs and vlogs tell a story, so in my case, today, I am sick.

The first mistake I made was how I held the camera! Dammit! I’ve got a lot to learn. 🤦🏻‍♀️