Love & light…

I saw this on my friend’s Facebook page on Monday morning, and it’s been on my mind ever since.

I realized I needed to check my own actions before getting upset at all the hate in our country and world.

I’d be a fucking hypocrite if I felt like that, but walk around in a snit because of the situation next door.

I received a comment on my Coming Clean blog post that I am so grateful for. The reader told me she sends love and light to her neighbor who is similar to mine. Thank you C.

Of course, dumbass, I thought! How can getting angry over a situation bring any kind of good to it?

I still have a lot to learn about myself and the lessons presented to me.

I’ve been calm and at peace with almost everything except for this situation.

I immediately started sending love and light to the house and its inhabitants. Maybe they need a little love and light, I wondered.

I don’t know if the love and light will help, but at least it has softened my heart, and I am no longer mad and angry.

Its hard to go on social media right now without getting sucked into negative posts so I may be taking a break from it for a while.

I decided today there is so much hate and anger in our country on both sides that I can avoid a lot of it by not partaking in it on social media.

I’ll still share my blog posts on Facebook and check our business accounts.

My Julzie Style Instagram is filled with gardening, food and other things I love. I only follow things I adore.

This is the right decision for me right now and I’ll save my sanity and have more time doing things that bring me joy.

Peace out social media. ✌️

This is clean summer eating…

Last night, we grilled a lean beef cut called Tres Major. There are only two per cow.

It used to be what the butcher saved for themself, but if you’re lucky, you may find some.

Tres major steak is as lean and tender as a filet mignon but has the flavor of a ribeye. It has a nice beefy taste and cuts with a butter knife.

The only difference between this meal and last summer is that I didn’t serve a baked potato.

We had a starchy vegetable, tender local corn, and a watermelon salad with basil and feta.

Neither of us missed or wanted a baked potato. I used butter and salt on my corn, which was a must.

Marty aims to eat as much corn as possible while it’s in season. The same is true for me about watermelon and tomatoes.

Learning to eat seasonal fruits and veggies every day has been a welcome addition to our diets.

We were not eating enough servings of fruits and vegetables by a mile, but now we are.

My goal is for me to have a healthy gut, which I now realize is something I’ve never had.

The bizarre thing about having a healthy gut is I can tolerate lactose. I’ve been lactose intolerant since I was 9 or 10.

When I considered it, I had never had a healthy gut before. There are many advantages that I didn’t know about.

My gut is still adjusting to clean eating. I am not using any supplements to improve my gut health I am relying on the right kinds of foods.

Since I started eating clean I have either a bowl of vanilla yogurt and fresh fruit or a bowl of cottage with a dab of preserves.

It turns out that cottage cheese and yogurt play a big role in gut health, and I didn’t know it!

I’ve been following my gut (yes, a pun) about clean eating and have just started researching it.

I have to admit while it’s easy to eat clean and light in the summer, I have no idea yet what I’ll make for fall and winter meals.

There is so much information out there that I have plenty of time to find recipes and do more research.

I’ll be sure to share what I find with you. I’m sure there are plenty of ways to convert my traditional comfort food fallback recipes to autumn and winter clean eating.

Have a great Wednesday!

Coming clean…

Yesterday morning, I wrote about my gardens which I am very proud of and excited to share since this is all new to me.

I realize now that I posted too many photos that may have seemed like I wanted to show off all my hard work for an atta-boy.

That was not my intention. When I sat down last year and thought about things that would bring me joy I was in a very deep state of depression.

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would succeed at gardening or lose 34 pounds.

It’s as if I’m in a dream, feeling so happy, young, and healthy again without any symptoms of lung disease. It’s like I’m 40 again.

Like our property, I’ve been through a huge transformation both mentally and physically.

Being able to forgive my mother after a lifetime of abuse is the most freeing thing in the world!

This is where the transformation began.

Since then, I have been a happier, healthier, kinder, and more joyful person. I always have a smile on my face.

That being said, I am disappointed with myself for writing about my frustrations next door.

Everyone is different and doesn’t share the same visions, values, or virtues. This is something I have to remind myself about.

I have to dig deep and find peace regarding this situation.

This is not just about a messy yard. After eight turbulent years, it goes much deeper than that.

Anyway, I apologize for the negativity. I let it creep into my joy, showing me how easily I can slide backward into playing a victim.

I’ve thought about this since I published that blog piece and wanted to come clean about it after discussing it with a friend.

This blog means so much to me because it’s a place where I can work through things honestly and authentically.

Thank you to my dear friend for your wisdom and to all of you for sharing this journey with me and all the ups and downs of my life. 💜

Fruits of our labor…

Double dipped strawberry echinaceas.

Every morning, I head outside to greet each of my gardens and give them a good watering if they need it.

I start with the front porch, then make my way to the veggie garden, and lastly, the morning glories.

Nelly is always close by me.

I am so happy with how the perennials I planted in the spring are doing. They are beautiful and are blooming.

The edging work I spent almost three days on was 100% worth the effort. Weeding is minimal, a five-minute job.

Very little weeding. Woot-woot!

I am so proud of my veggie garden! I love how it’s like a jungle. I work in the beds every few days.

You can’t have beautiful garden beds without upkeep.

I didn’t have time for that when the kids were young, but now I do, and I enjoy keeping the beds clean.

After I water, I harvest whatever is ready. This morning, I cut green beans, beet greens, and a small amount of lettuce.

I can’t tell you how peaceful it is tending my garden. Then I water the morning glories, and I instantly feel angry, sad and deflated.

It doesn’t matter how much I tend to my flower beds; looking at the place next door makes me depressed. It’s awful.

It makes me sad that an old historic home in the village of Arlington is so neglected and uncared for.

I thought the morning glories would help, but they don’t. Watering them makes me even sadder. What a shame.

I a found windscreen privacy fencing online, but we cannot afford it at this time.

I’ll save money over the winter and hopefully be able to purchase at the end of winter.

After I finish watering the morning glories, I visit the wildflowers and look for new flowers that seem to have bloomed overnight.

This usually improves my mood, and I shake it off and move on with my day.

I enjoy gardening too much to let the negative stuff ruin my joy or rain on my parade but it does get old.

After all the hours of hard work, determination, studying, imagination, and with Marty’s help, I really have the garden of my dreams.

Even though it’s mid-July, I am already thinking about next year’s garden. ☺️

Cherry clafoutis…

I’m still on a cherry kick, eating as many as possible before their season ends.

I had some friends over for an afternoon visit and made cherry clafoutis, a classic French dessert.

This is a French dessert that is not made with any butter! Wow!

It’s a simple custard baked in a pan with any fruit you’d like to use, but cherry is the OG.

I have made a Julia Child version, but I didn’t want to use heavy cream. I read through a dozen and came across one by David Lebovitz.

I’ve used many of Lebovitz’s recipes and have always liked how they turned out, and the clafoutis was no different.

It was perfect on a hot afternoon, and when I considered it, it was really not bad for you.

I used pan spray instead of butter for the pan, but I followed his recipe.

Cherries, milk, eggs, a little flour and sugar, vanilla and almond extract; that’s it. Simple.

Freshly pitted cherries just before I poured the custard over them to bake.

As I mentioned, you can use any seasonal fruit during any season.

Right now, any kind of berries would be perfect especially if you don’t have the patience to stem and pit a bunch of cherries.

I had cherries on hand and don’t mind putting them. Nothing beats fresh cherries baked in anything.

Here is the recipe I used, it’s a keeper.

Annoying changes…

M€ta keeps updating and changing Facebook, which has affected my blog to the point that I am just short of having a hissy fit. Okay, I had one.

My blog will no longer automatically post on my Julzie Style FB page and has removed those readers from my total readers count.

Its not a big deal to anyone but me, but I am happy I have 419 readers and not just 155. I

t’s hard to even acquire new reader so please share if you know someone who likes reading blogs like mine.

I work hard to keep my readers interested even after losing about 100 when I wrote about my psychic gifts.

Some people just couldn’t hack the authentic me and my life, which really is fine with me.

I just wanted to say thank you to my readers for sticking with me and to those of you who support my blog.

Every penny helps maintain the blog since it isn’t free for me, in fact it’s quite pricey paying for the host site and other things needed.

All things aside, I love writing each blog post and sharing my life with my readers.

I never knew how many people love my blog until they tell me when I see them in person. I am always humbled and overcome with joy whenever I hear this.

End of rant. Thank you, my friends! I appreciate each and every one of you. 💜


Up front my is my wildflower bed.

I hinted a few weeks ago that we were starting another backyard project—the last one, for now, anyway. Here are the before photos.

We got a lot of bang for our buck with mulch we ended up getting for free using our old Chase credit card’s bonus points.

Marty and I realized by early summer that I overplanted my Vegtrub raised garden beds and would need to expand.

I have to give credit where credit is due; Marty is one lucky son of a bitch when it comes to finding sales, deals, and markdowns.

I always joke that we don’t pay full price for anything. He found leftover small Vegtrub beds for a ridiculous price.

He also found these gorgeous metal beds, where we will grow a year’s worth of garlic and a big root vegetable patch next spring.

This is the time to look for end-of-season garden items. It’s also a great time to rescue some poor veggie plants and flowers.

Long story short, I thought I got 2 San Marzano Roma tomato plants. It turns out one is an heirloom variety; I was really upset😫

How in fucks name was I supposed to make sauce now, especially since my one San Marzano plant was growing miniature tomatoes! Ugh!

Here are the tiny clusters of San Marzanos about the size of grapes.

Even though it’s late in the planting season, I decided to search for some or any Roma tomato plants, even if they were not true San Marzanos.

I picked up a 6-pack of Roma tomatoes called Health Kick for $1. I also got a 6-pack of cabbage which was also $1 just for the pure hell of it. I’m learning to garden after all.

I also saved two sad-looking superbena plants that were on sale which I picked off the dead leaves.

I finished off my purchase with a six-pack of parsley since mine had already gone to seed.

I love how our lower garden came out complete with an outdoor shower!

We had one when the boys were young and have really missed it.

The outdoor shower is perfect after outdoor projects or swimming since I always shower anyway to get the chlorine out of my hair.

Oh, how we love the outdoor shower! I just have to remember to look up at the sky while showering.

I’ve always wanted a rain showerhead, and this one is amazing! They sell outdoor shower plumbing kits, and many are on sale.

I am very lucky Marty is so handy and that we are both hard workers. We completed this project in less than three afternoons.

Marty used every piece of leftover wood and decking he had tucked away, dug up pieces of slate to create stairs, and picked up some simple cement slate-looking pavers to complete the paths.

I laugh and call him a packrat, but the things he keeps are always used for some kind of a project.

He did an amazing job making my vision a reality. Thank you, Hunny. 🩷

The rest of the beautiful blue and tiny natural cedar beds will be used for end-of-summer fall crops. I’m so excited to plant more things!

Pavers still need to be straightened and leveled today.

I’m heading outside to water my garden this morning. I love the tranquility early in the morning listening to the birds chirp away.

Have a great day guys! ☀️

Well I’ll be damned…

The tomato variety called Fourth of July lived up to its word! I wasn’t sure it would happen in Vermont, but here we are! 🍅

I’m so damn giddy about it. ☺️


One of the greatest joys of growing peas was watching Sam, as a young boy, pluck pea pods off the vine and eat them right in the garden.

I’ve experienced that same joy last week when I harvested peas from my garden. I planted two types sugar snap and English shelling peas.

I made a stir fry with the snap peas and a simple dish of pasta and peas as a side for garlic shrimp.

Yes, we are noodle makers, but most of the time, we don’t have any Spätzle on hand for us to eat. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.

After I had harvested the peas and separated them, I began shelling the English peas. I sat on the front porch while shelling, Nelly was very interested.

I wonder if other gardeners feel the same way I did while shelling. I marveled at how beautiful the peas were grown in their perfect package.

I wanted to have the peas in the most simple way. There wasn’t enough to have as a side since Sam was here, so I decided to pair them with pasta.

Our meal came out exactly as I imagined it would. Although I’ve reduced my carb intake, I still enjoy a bowl of pasta or simple, luscious, buttered potatoes once a week.

I checked a couple of days ago, more peas are ready to harvest! 💚

Protein waffles…

Protein waffle topped with a bit of peanut butter, bananas, and walnuts.

I promised to share any healthy, clean-eating recipes I came across; I tried one on Sunday morning, which was outstanding.

It was a bit more work that I wasn’t prepared to do, but now I know how to smooth things out to make the waffles easier.

I made an eating mistake on a chilly morning last week. I went back to having a carb-only breakfast and paid for it the rest of the day. Now I know why I was always tired, hungry, and grumpy mid-morning.

I made a bowl of grits with a pinch of salt and a small amount of maple syrup. It was yummy and satisfying. Not!

By mid-morning, I was starving and falling asleep. I had been hungry all day and tired. It wasn’t until we had a dinner salad that I started to wake up.

No more carb-only meals again, ever. I started looking for breakfast options that weren’t just yogurt or cottage cheese based.

Then, I found this fantastic protein waffle recipe. It’s a perfect carrier for other proteins such as peanut butter, cashew or almond butter, nuts, and fruits.

Below is the recipe I found. In the future, I will grind my GF oats ahead of time and store them in a canister, which takes another step and removes a small appliance from the mix.

I followed the recipe exactly and was rewarded with the lightest, fluffy, filling, and delicious waffles.

I wonder if I can make pancakes with the same batter for quicker preparation?

On a rainy day, I plan to make a double or triple batch of these babies, wrap them individually, and freeze them.

How easy on a busy morning to pop in the toaster oven and have a quick hand-held breakfast.

I haven’t been this excited about a recipe for a long time. If you are serious about healthy eating like I am, I hope you try it and enjoy it too.