It definitely feels, smells, sounds, and looks like March, with the sun shining differently and casting different shadows.
You can smell the earth from the ground and the leaves that have composted over the winter.

Very slowly Spring sidles in.
She steps cautiously, as Winter
isn’t quite done yet.
Maybe there will be one last finale.
She bides her time, not wanting
to steal the show.
She has lifted the sun slightly,
not that you would notice immediately,
but the extra light is almost tangible.
The blossom remains tight in
the bud, almost ready to pop.
The daffodils have followed the
arrival of the hardy snowdrops,
who had little fear of Winter.
They are getting ready for their
grand show in March.
To my delight the birds are returning
their cheerful chortling in unison.
And my heart is feeling lifted,
Almost, as if, I am ready to be born again.
I’m nearing the end of the tunnel ..
I’m bursting with anticipation
for the glorious entrance of Spring ..
C.E. Coombes 🌼 Serendipity Corner
Artist Credit: Jo Grundy
The birds are happily chirping up a storm in the morning. The snow is melting, but more importantly, the rock-hard ice is finally melting.
Many people fell on the ice this winter and a lot of people got hurt. I wore ice cleats on my muck boots for weeks.
Marty fell twice on the ice in the last couple of weeks, thankfully he didn’t get hurt.
The perennial flower seeds I started in mid February are growing! I planted echinacea seeds and most of my herbs on Sunday.

I checked on them today. I was thrilled to see some seeds sprouting already!
The sight of something coming to life and growing is one of my favorite parts of gardening.

I am growing everything from seed this year. I want my garden plants to be as mature as the ones I pick up at the nursery in mid-May.
I am ready to do the work of transplanting to bigger pots when the time comes.

That being said, I am starting my veggie seeds over the weekend instead of on St. Joseph’s Day, March 19 as I always done.
A few veggies will be directly sown in the garden such as peas, green beans, carrots, and beets.
Lettuce, arugula, and spinach will be planted directly in the garden in the next few weeks. How exciting! There is nothing like harvesting your own lettuce for a salad.
This year, I am trying several varieties, not just a basic lettuce mix. We have missed our homegrown daily greens like crazy.
On to another reason why it feels like March, I am completely out of cold weather lunch and dinner ideas. in other words, I am in a cooking rut.

As excited as I get in the fall for comfort food, hearty soups, and stews I am tired of them. I’ve exhausted all of my winter dinner go-to items.
Oh, and while grocery shopping on Saturday, I was shocked to see corned beef for $17.90 a pound in the store!
Seriously, what the actual fuck? I’ll make just potatoes and cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day before I spend that kind of money on corned beef!
That’s it for now guys, talk to you soon! 🙂
Check out ALDIs, they have great corned beef.
That’s where I saw it!! That’s why I was completely shocked.
They still have the $17.90 lb sign up just now but I looked at the packages and they were $4.89 lb so of course I got one. Thanks so much for you comment I went back and looked today because if you! ♥️♥️