
I was not in a good place when I started my blog in January 2021. I was struggling with my mental health, overall health, and happiness.

My blog was there for me when I worked through some tough times dealing with my adopted mother, Eileen.

I was a very unhappy person and in a constant state of depression.

I did however have to desire to share my cooking knowledge and life experiences with people the way I was doing on my personal Facebook account.

I had a lot to write about on all kinds of topics. I shared my deepest darkest moments with all of you.

Writing helped me get through the mental and emotional abuse I suffered from for years.

My mother began abusing me when I was nine years old. She used guilt, punishment, manipulation, and sometimes physical abuse.

She was an Oscar award-winning actress. I always say Meryl Streep had nothing on her.

Somehow, last year, I was able to forgive her and my life is completely changed. I am entirely changed both mentally and physically.

I live in a state of peace and comfort these days. I am finally able to be me and no longer a victim. It feels wonderful.

I feel like at this point, as a writer, I don’t have as much to write about. I wrote about all the weird, quirky and many sides of me.

I wrote about my spiritual gifts which a lot of people weren’t ready for. I lost a lot of followers during that series.

My desire to cook has dimmed a bit. I had a lot of culinary tricks, hacks, and knowledge that I wrote about.

Since switching over to a healthier lifestyle my cooking has changed as much as my eating has.

Don’t get me wrong we still eat delicious food with lots of flavor. When I cook I still cook with love, but it’s not that important to

Over the years I shared many of my own recipes. Some readers were kind enough to send me small donations to my blog when they tried one of my recipes.

This made me feel appreciated!

These days I have to be honest with you all, I don’t feel like writing as much. I feel like I am having a hard time thinking of things to write about.

As a general rule, I try to never waste readers time writing about shit no one cares about.

I wonder how many people still actually read my blog? How many people liked it better when I was fucked up?

I have had a loyal group of followers that have supported me, gave me feedback, made me laugh and smile, gave me suggestions, comments, ideas and inspired me to continue writing.

It’s funny how many people tell me when they see me in person who much they love my blog. I am always shocked.

You would never know it on my end since only a handful of people connect with me. Its kind of disappointing to be honest with youZ

Sometimes just a “like”on the blog’s Facebook page would tell me I still have readers out there.

I didn’t start my blog to be a make money operation and to be frank it is expensive to maintain.

This is the first year I questioned if I should renew everything. I decided to give it until then end of this year to see if I felt differently.

I don’t have the time to dedicate myself to writing enough to ask for donations. I feel like I have to really perform whenever someone sends me a donation.

For the rest of this year, I still plan to continue my blog and writing; it just may not be as often as I used to.

When I have something to share, teach , or tell you all, I will. This will keep things fresh for me and get me excited to write again.

I can’t wait to share our garden expansion and our root cellar that we’ve never used for anything but will this year to store our root veggies through next winter.

The Benedict’s that lived in our home for 60 years used our root cellar as they were big gardeners and grew a lot of food.

The tradition will continue and hopefully I can channel Mr. Benedict and have as fruitful of a garden as he once had.

I never want it to seem like I am showing off when I post many of my accomplishments or our big projects as someone suggested to me last summer.

I am just proud as fuck at what can be accomplished and hopefully will inspire someone else.

Through dance, I’ve learned that one of my life’s mission is to teach, inspire and cheer people on. It’s the cheerleader in me! The same as I was all through my school years.

I’ve learned a lot about myself over the last four years. I never in a million years dreamed I would be a sober, happy, healthy, and content person. But here I am.

To those of you who are still with me thank you. I appreciate you, your comments, love, support, and feedback. ♥️

I’ll catch up with you soon.


33 Replies to “Blog…”

  1. I rarely comment, but always read your blog, I did meet you at the Market Wagon a number of years ago sampling your delicious Spatzel. My German Grandmother was a great cook making her own noodles, fresh vegetables, and the best meat as my Grandfather was a butcher. Meals were always a special occasion ending with the best desserts! As long as you write, I will read. Whether it is about your gardening, cooking, family, dogs, struggles, victories, or just your unique style, know I am here. Thanks, Julz!

    1. This is the stuff that makes me smile and my heart happy! Thanks for taking the time to reply. ❤️

  2. I have always appreciated your honesty and spunk! I don’t reply often but I do read your posts and have thought a lot about your experiences and your ability to transcend the difficult times. It inspires me to do thirst I can in my life too. Thank you for sharing your journey💕

  3. I always read your blog! Love your honesty. My favorite parts are about all the green things you are growing to eat and to have beautiful flowers to brighten your day and mine. BTW I bought a Maverick because you loved yours so much and I love it. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Smiling from ear to ear! Thank you Sandy. I guess people are reading my blog. Thanks for taking the time to comment. ❤️

  4. I have only been reading your blog for a year, maybe two…. Time goes so quickly. I enjoy your recipes, have made a few and have enjoyed them. Have a few more to try. I live in Wisconsin and am way older then you but I really enjoy what you share, especially your spiritual posts. I’m jealous and amazed by your gifts. I’ll read whenever you choose to share.

  5. You have come a long way my friend. I’ve learned so much about you and the young girl I was friends with years ago may not be the same person you are today but a person who is inspiring and I have respect for. Stay true to yourself always and you owe nothing to anyone. Love ya! GeriAnne

    1. Thanks so much for your support. I appreciate your monthly donations and am so lucky to have you as my sissy. ♥️ I am always with you too.

  6. I always love when you post a blog. I especially loved your spirituality posts. I’m fascinated by all spiritual paths and loved reading about yours

    1. I am so glad to hear this! I love sharing my spiritual stuff, know I know people are ready to learn more. Yay! Thanks for letting me know.

  7. Julz – I have never commented but I always want to and regret it now. How would you know how fabulous you are if your faithful followers don’t let you know? I’m ashamed I just haven’t taken the time. But I love your blog – everyone one of them. I have been with you on your journey and it’s helped me grow and understand some things about myself. You are an amazing, beautiful spirit and I hope you keep writing and sharing your life and journey with us all as long as it feels like the healthy choice for you. Your in such a good place right now and maybe you don’t need the blog any longer. Perhaps it was an avenue for you to work through your growth over the last years. Regardless of your decision to continue writing I will be there until you decide to move one. Thank you for sharing your life with us all and your amazing food and culinary talents. You are truly loved and appreciated. 😘 Sandi from Wisconsin.

    1. This makes my heart leap with joy. I was hoping you guys were out there. Your comment made me cry good tears Sandi. Thank you so so much! ♥️

  8. I for one appreciate your honesty in living your life. Too bad more people don’t believe in spiritual intuition or that witchy thing as some people call it. You are a brave woman and however you decide to go on or not with the blog is totally up to you. As a former people pleaser as well as a Reiki Master/Animal Communicator/Intuitive Reader I’ve received all those eye rolls too. That was how I made my living for 20 years and I know the work is very valid. Living in Humboldt County in far northern California (5 hours north of San Franciso) this type of work is very common. Follow your bliss they say – I’m retired (71) and my bliss now are my animals and my garden. If you chose to close up your blog, don’t feel guilty as you don’t owe anybody anything. There is a beginning and an end to everything. Trust your gifts! Linda

    1. Linda, I have appreciated your words of wisdom and can feel you through your comments all of these years. Thank you for always reaching out to me and making me feel as though someone always gets me. ♥️

  9. I do like your posts. It is always interesting to hear how others handle or do something; it inspires creativity. Write as often as you feel. Everyday can get to be a burden and quite frankly, repetitive at times. Continued luck with your garden. Being a gardener, can’t wait to see what pops up!

    1. Thank you Marianna for taking the time to comment. I am realizing there are a lot more people who enjoy my blog than I thought. ♥️

  10. I’m still here and enjoying your blog. I didn’t know you have a FB page. You do you. There is a season for every single thing. I turned 74 yesterday. I’ve had many seasons and now that I’m retired it’s a new season. Keep dancing 💃

    1. On my Facebook page I share things that don’t require any writing, maybe I should consider adding some of these things to my blog. Thanks for being with me Joann, I appreciate it very much for letting me know. ♥️

  11. Julz, keep writing! You are the real deal! I used to comment but slacked off doing it. I read your every post and love your honesty and attitude.

  12. I also always read your blogs, and enjoy them very much. I love all of the changes that you and Marty have gone through the past few years and I love that you love gardening and have so many creative ideas. Keep it up and keep going strong.

  13. Julz I love reading your blog. I especially find the spiritual journey stories interesting. I am a dog lover, so those pictures and stories warm my heart. I’m a terrible cook, but keep thinking your love of cooking could miraculously rub off on me. (It hasn’t yet.) And I loved the post you made on our Urban Sketching facebook page! Keep it up! You have people reading your posts that look forward to each one❤️

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