
February is almost over. Marty’s birthday was 10 days ago, and like every year, he has gotten sick—every single year since he was a child.

Inevitably, in some years, I catch whatever bug he picked up. This is one of those years. Ugh.

So, even though I eat healthy and take supplements such as vitamin C and zinc to boost my immune system, I have been under the weather since Friday.

Delicious avocado toast with pesto and a poached egg was our Sunday breakfast, which filled me up until 3 p.m.

Its not a whopper of a cold or anything horrible like that, its just a cough with a small amount of congestion.

I’ve been listening to my body since my lungs are nothing to fool around with since being diagnosed with lung disease 2 years ago.

I’ve been getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated to the point of being annoying since I have to pee so often, and I’ve been taking it easy in general.

When our bodies are sick, and we listen to them, a beautiful thing happens when we slow down: We appreciate even the most minor things.

We sleep with our window open every night all winter long. The fresh air is great and we both love to sleep in a cold room.

Our bedroom gets super hot in the middle of the night because Nelly and Roxy are like sleeping with two hot water bottles.

The hot water bottles this morning.

In the last few days, I’ve noticed the birds are chirping up a storm again in the mornings. This makes me so glad!

Many people here have posted photos of returned robins, one of the first indications that spring is just around the corner. Hurray!!

We’ve had a beautiful winter but now is when cabin fever turns into spring fever for many people.

We still have March to contend with which feels like the longest month of the year to me.

I picked up a small bouquet of flowers at Trader Joe’s on Friday. It was the best $6.99 I spent that day.

There is just something special about a vase of fresh flowers to brighten things up and make me smile whenever I look at it.

I was careful not to overdue anything, but over the weekend, I set up my seed starting area in our bathroom, the warmest and sunniest room in the house.

The door can be closed, and the hot water bottles can’t bother the seedlings.

Yesterday, I planted my first sets of perennial flower seeds. It’s too early to start vegetable seeds, but getting a good jump start on growing flowers makes sense since we have such a short growing season.

After watching and learning so much from a number of YouTube channels, it felt great to actually start planting seeds.

This year, I am growing everything from seed. I carefully chose my seeds online from many farmers that sell smaller quality of seeds instead of the store bought varieties.

I have my seeds organized and made my own garden journal since I couldn’t find one that I was looking for.

I began writing notes yesterday when I planted my seeds. This is the perfect thing to keep me busy while I am getting over this sick thing.

I hope I am back to 100% by Wednesday for dance or more importantly ny Friday which is my and my future daughter-in-law Aja’s birthday as well.

I love that we share our birthdays together!

Have a great week and I’ll catch up with you soon. ♥️

4 Replies to “February…”

  1. Hope you both feel much better soon. Oh my, the avocado toast looks so beautiful. I am determined to go buy a nice ripe avocado today for a breakfast this week! 😋 Hugs from Camille

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