Customers at our feeder…

We replaced our hummingbird feeder with our first bird feeder, which is located outside the window of our back room.

It’s a story up from the ground so we don’t have to worry about bears being a problem.

We started getting repeat customers who told one friend, then they told one friend, and so forth, and so on, like that shampoo commercial from the 80s.

While enjoying our tea in the mornings, we watch our customers arrive for breakfast.

We have polite customers who patiently wait in line for their turn. We don’t even need a number system like at the butcher shop.

We serve up a mixture of different seeds, nuts and dried fruits to our customers. They seem to like what’s on the menu.

If only people were as easy to please as our bird friends, we would have our own restaurant.

People always ask us why we don’t open a restaurant, and the answer is simple: “We are smart enough not to do it.”

Have a wonderful Saturday guys. Keep your eyes open for the simple things in life like the customers at our feeder.

One Reply to “Customers at our feeder…”

  1. We also love watching our bird feeders each day. Such a variety of species, colors and characters. Unfortunately, we cannot mount them as high up as you and a bear paid us a visit two nights ago. Forget to bring the dang feeder in at sunset. My bad, but that fat bear no doubt enjoyed munching down. Still haven’t found the feeder!

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