Fruits of our labor…

Double dipped strawberry echinaceas.

Every morning, I head outside to greet each of my gardens and give them a good watering if they need it.

I start with the front porch, then make my way to the veggie garden, and lastly, the morning glories.

Nelly is always close by me.

I am so happy with how the perennials I planted in the spring are doing. They are beautiful and are blooming.

The edging work I spent almost three days on was 100% worth the effort. Weeding is minimal, a five-minute job.

Very little weeding. Woot-woot!

I am so proud of my veggie garden! I love how it’s like a jungle. I work in the beds every few days.

You can’t have beautiful garden beds without upkeep.

I didn’t have time for that when the kids were young, but now I do, and I enjoy keeping the beds clean.

After I water, I harvest whatever is ready. This morning, I cut green beans, beet greens, and a small amount of lettuce.

I can’t tell you how peaceful it is tending my garden. Then I water the morning glories, and I instantly feel angry, sad and deflated.

It doesn’t matter how much I tend to my flower beds; looking at the place next door makes me depressed. It’s awful.

It makes me sad that an old historic home in the village of Arlington is so neglected and uncared for.

I thought the morning glories would help, but they don’t. Watering them makes me even sadder. What a shame.

I a found windscreen privacy fencing online, but we cannot afford it at this time.

I’ll save money over the winter and hopefully be able to purchase at the end of winter.

After I finish watering the morning glories, I visit the wildflowers and look for new flowers that seem to have bloomed overnight.

This usually improves my mood, and I shake it off and move on with my day.

I enjoy gardening too much to let the negative stuff ruin my joy or rain on my parade but it does get old.

After all the hours of hard work, determination, studying, imagination, and with Marty’s help, I really have the garden of my dreams.

Even though it’s mid-July, I am already thinking about next year’s garden. ☺️

One Reply to “Fruits of our labor…”

  1. Your yard is Absolutely beautiful Julz. Unfortunately, we have a neighbor who has completely eviscerated his yard to the extent, it looks like someone dropped a napalm bomb. Thinking the evil chemical “Roundup” is involved. A brown wasteland leaching into our water table. It makes me despair.

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