Protein waffles…

Protein waffle topped with a bit of peanut butter, bananas, and walnuts.

I promised to share any healthy, clean-eating recipes I came across; I tried one on Sunday morning, which was outstanding.

It was a bit more work that I wasn’t prepared to do, but now I know how to smooth things out to make the waffles easier.

I made an eating mistake on a chilly morning last week. I went back to having a carb-only breakfast and paid for it the rest of the day. Now I know why I was always tired, hungry, and grumpy mid-morning.

I made a bowl of grits with a pinch of salt and a small amount of maple syrup. It was yummy and satisfying. Not!

By mid-morning, I was starving and falling asleep. I had been hungry all day and tired. It wasn’t until we had a dinner salad that I started to wake up.

No more carb-only meals again, ever. I started looking for breakfast options that weren’t just yogurt or cottage cheese based.

Then, I found this fantastic protein waffle recipe. It’s a perfect carrier for other proteins such as peanut butter, cashew or almond butter, nuts, and fruits.

Below is the recipe I found. In the future, I will grind my GF oats ahead of time and store them in a canister, which takes another step and removes a small appliance from the mix.

I followed the recipe exactly and was rewarded with the lightest, fluffy, filling, and delicious waffles.

I wonder if I can make pancakes with the same batter for quicker preparation?

On a rainy day, I plan to make a double or triple batch of these babies, wrap them individually, and freeze them.

How easy on a busy morning to pop in the toaster oven and have a quick hand-held breakfast.

I haven’t been this excited about a recipe for a long time. If you are serious about healthy eating like I am, I hope you try it and enjoy it too.

3 Replies to “Protein waffles…”

  1. I was just having the same conversation with a friend 30 min ago – that I only ever have eggs or just some chicken for breakfast any more because carbs make me so sleepy and throw me off the rest of the day. And I JUST started eating cottage cheese – I never thought I liked it but hadn’t had it in years. I can’t wait to try this recipe, thanks for sharing!

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