Not finished…

After I “finished” my latest drawing of Nelly I had all kinds of things I wish I did differently. I thought, “Aw shit, next one.”

Wait! What? What a complete dumbass I was to think a piece I am working on has to be “done.” Duh, Julz!

After working all morning, I got out my pencils again and are you ready for this? I erased the leg that I drew too straight and made it how I wanted it. What a concept!

The first drawing I posted
The one I touched up today.

I also added some black to Nelly’s muzzle and eyes as they have darkened up a bit over the last few months.

I am 100% happier with my piece now. I texted my friend Maria and told her this unimaginable thing I could do.

She’s is an artist so I am sure she will get a kick out of it when she reads my text.

Happy Friday, Friends! I wish you all a good weekend!

One Reply to “Not finished…”

  1. Love that Nellie. Well done you. Wishing you a great weekend too.

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