Love knows no bounds…

We picked up Klaus’ ashes on Tuesday. Marty and I were still shell shocked and happy he was home again.

Neither of us had it in us to open the bag containing Klaus’ memorial package. The bag sat on the window seat until today.

I decided to take things out of the bag and put him where he belonged, next to Otto.

I chose to do it today while Marty was at the farmers market, he and Klaus were very close from the day Marty brought him home in the cup holder of his car.

I moved the shelves around in the living room making a proper space for my boys. I can’t lie I cried my head off while I did it.

Nelly was sitting at my feet and at the bottom of the chair I was standing on. As I took Klaus and his bag of hair out of the bag ahead of me, she got up on her hind legs.

When I was done I sat on the floor with her still crying. Then, the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me happened.

Nelly began to smell my right hand, the one I used to touch Klaus’s hair. She put her paw on my hand and began to rub her forehead on my hand.

She did this for a few minutes. It was so touching to watch and I realized that love really does know no bounds.

My favorite photo of my happy boys with my Aunt Dee. They never both looked so happy at the same time.

Klaus was her big brother who taught her the ropes and they showed each other unconditional love, the way Otto did to Klaus when he was a puppy.

I have a million things to do but I played with Nelly until she was tuckered out, just like Klaus would have done.

She crawled on my lap and eventually settled down with her chin on my hand. I knew she missed her big brother and she now knew he was still here with us.

Are you crying yet? This is my last and final sad post about my boys. Thanks for your love and support. ♥️ ~julz

***No real editing I’ve gotta get back to cleaning and holiday prep and baking.

Well I did have to edit two photos after all. 🤦🏻‍♀️

6 Replies to “Love knows no bounds…”

  1. Nelly remembering his scent and rubbing into your hand was so sweet and yet heart rendering. Lots of tears over here. But a lovely reminder that love truely is forever. Wishing you peace Julz.

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