Thank you…

I just wanted to tell you guys how much your kind words of comfort and support meant to me.

Instead of mourning our Klausie-boy we decided to remember him as a funny goofball, protector, and love bug.

As I vacuumed up his hair and cleaned up slobber, I realized I was at peace.

The house is very quiet now and we miss him but life goes on and so will our memories of our boys.

Enjoy each day, you never know how things can change in the blink of an eye. ♥️

2 Replies to “Thank you…”

  1. Now know that without a doubt: you never know how things can change in the blink of an eye. When you shared about your dogs, they became part of our lives. But his spirit lives on in you. Sharon se Vermont.

  2. I was so sorry to hear about Klaus. Judging by your photos and comments about him, he was an adorably funny guy and so very loved by your family. So thankful you have Nellie. As a lover of dogs, I never want to be without one.

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