First encounter…

You can see more orbs in the distance.
I took screenshots from the video and enlarged the image so you see the orbs better.

In 2006, my gastroenterologist found a large tumor on my right or ascending colon and my appendix. It was scary. When I went to the surgeon, I freaked out; this was a big deal.

Within five days, I found myself in the hospital having surgery to remove the benign tumor. I spent three days in the hospital, making sure the colon reattachment worked.

I can never sleep in the hospital like most people. The night of my surgery, I lay there on my back, listening to the activity at the nurse’s station in our dimly lit room.

My roommate was an elderly woman who barely spoke. The curtain between us was pulled so we couldn’t see each other.

As I lay there, I began seeing a hundred little white circles fluttering fast on our ceiling. It was bizarre; I thought I was seeing things from the meds I was given.

More and more little lights kept showing up on the ceiling. I watched them in awe, thinking, what the fuck is going on?

With that, all the doors to the patient’s rooms automatically slammed shut. I didn’t know there was a code on our floor that made all the doors close. 

As I watched the little lights on the ceiling, the woman in the bed next to me said, “They are coming for him.” I asked her if she could see the lights, too, and she said yes, she saw them multiple times in the hospital. I thought I was not seeing things.

Suddenly, all the little lights were exiting our room and going down the hallway. I could see them on the hallway ceiling, too. My delayed response was, “They are?” She didn’t answer me; she probably fell asleep after all the excitement.

Half an hour later, the staff members opened everyone’s door. I asked if someone just died when the nurse walked into our room. She hesitated, then replied and said yes. Holy shit! The woman in the next bed was correct. 

I lay there for the rest of the night, thinking about what happened. I worried that I saw the little lights like the old woman. I kept wondering why.

It was strange but beautiful knowing all those orbs that filled the hospital rooms came to help or greet the newly deceased person cross over to the other side.

Ever since then, I see orbs in videos that I take or sometimes with my own eyes fluttering around. I find them comforting. They aren’t in a hurry like they were that night in the hospital.

Orbs are the spirits of ancestors, friends, and family members that peacefully crossed over to the other side, but their energy is still all around us. It is a beautiful thing to see and feel.

Believe what I am saying or not. I plan to take more nighttime videos to see if any are still out there.

Happy Friday, folks! 

2 Replies to “First encounter…”

  1. Absolutely. I never understood the orb phenomenon until, one day, a dear co-worker pointed some out to me. I said; “You see them too?” So many years ago, but a life changer.

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