Nelly is growing up…

Nelly is now 8 1/2 months and is the cutest little sweetheart of a dog. Marty and I feel like the luckiest people since we have the perfect little puppy for us.

Don’t get me wrong, Nelly is still a mischievous little girl and gets herself into trouble often.

The things that she does is hysterical. She loves to carry things from the inside out and outside in. Everything is fair game to her so we had to fix that.

Our house and yard are now super puppy proofed, neat, and organized to keep her out of trouble.

Like all frenchies, they are bred to be companion dogs which go through separation anxiety when their owners are out of the house.

We chose a frenchie not only because they are cute, but I wanted a companion pup. We take her with us whenever we go out for longer than an hour.

When getting a frenchie you have to know and understand they cannot be left alone for more than 3 hours. They suffer from serious separation anxiety.

Nelly loves going places with us. She never makes a peep in the backseat she is harnessed into. She falls asleep as soon as the truck starts to drive.

She never makes a fuss even if we have to get in and out of the truck a lot. She loves people, riding in a shopping cart and she goes crazy over kids.

We weighted Nelly this week and she is 19 lbs. Her frame is still small compared to other female frenchies. She is almost full grown.

Her breeding color is lilac, fawn, and platinum which have blue eyes and a smaller stature. I have looked at other female frenchies in the above breeding color and they are so similar.

Nelly adores Klaus and vice versa. They love playing and roughhousing. It’s amazing how gentle Klaus is with her especially when playing tug of war with a toy. He lets her win sometimes.

These two love to lay next to each other, something he never did with Otto; they tolerated each other at best.

She has turned Klaus into a gentle giant who by the way has slimmed down to 81 lbs from her keeping him so active. He was in the 90s at some point.

Watching the sunrise with me.

Marty and I look forward to taking Nelly up to bed with us each night. She snuggles in with her head next to ours and sleeps under the covers up to her chin, just like a human.

We wake up every day in that same position after spending the night listening to her snore and smelling the notorious frenchie farts. Lol.

Nelly was the right dog for me at the right time. She is there for me if I am stressed, frustrated, or sad. She really is an emotional support dog when I need her to be.

I finally have my appointment with a pulmonary specialist at Dartmouth Hitchcock on Monday.

I will have a cat scan and a pulmonary function test before my appointment with Dr. Stewart. I am nervous about this appointment.

This summer I am realizing living with lung disease is no joke. The humidity and wildfire smoke have significantly affected me more than the average person. It’s scary actually.

Some days I feel like a champ and others, like today, I’m inside our air-conditioned home still heavy-chested from the humidity. it makes me tired.

We sold our solo stove fire pit since I can’t breathe in any kind of smoke anymore. Since we missed having “campfires” we got a gas one with the money from the old one.

I keep trying to give away my worries about this pulmonary appointment, but it’s been hard to do. I’ve had quite a few anxiety attacks out of nowhere so I know this is deeply embedded inside of me.

Either way the appointment goes, I know I’ll have to deal with it and keep learning to live my life accordingly. It’s weird I am hoping I “just” have lung disease and not anything worse.

Right now, while I am writing this post, I’m resting on the couch with Nelly and boy, is she is letting them rip. 😂

Have a good night guys. I tried out a new recipe earlier today, I’ll let you know what it is and how it came out.

One Reply to “Nelly is growing up…”

  1. That photo of Klaus and Nelly with his leg flung over her is hysterical. I laughed out loud at that one. They’re re both adorable. I’m so sorry for your struggles, especially with the air quality. It’s been difficult and crummy over here, but nothing compared to your part of the impacted area. Good thoughts and fingers crossed your appointment goes well.

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