Happy 2nd Anniversary to my blog…

I wanted to start a blog for a long time, and it’s hard to believe it’s been up and running for two years. I have to admit I don’t write every day like I used to because none of the pieces I did for the sake of writing were blog-worthy. 

My friend Jon Katz always says to himself in his reader’s shoes, “Why should I give a shit?” When I started asking myself that question, I deleted posts before publishing them.

I used to be hard on myself that I didn’t publish a story every day, but I had to be honest with myself that I am a spätzle maker, delivery person, market vendor, and business owner, not a full-time writer. It’s not a cop-out; it’s reality.

All that aside, I love writing posts for my blog. Some posts are funny, while others are informative, sad, or outright bonkers. Some were creepy and some inspired people to try new recipes, which I love!

Many people loved the series I did on “My gifts,” and some did not, and I lost them as readers. You can’t make everyone love what you write all the time. I also gained a few new readers. If you like my blog, tell a friend or send them my link. I do a happy dance every time I pick up a new reader.

Everyone likes that I am so honest and authentic. They think I am brave. When I think of some of the things I’ve worked through by writing about them, it is brave sharing my innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I also lost readers when I wrote emotional and sad pieces, but that’s okay, I am a lot some days.

This is how I am, honest and authentic, so it’s no different in print. Friends who know me will always tell me they can hear my voice when reading my blog and how my writing sounds exactly like I speak. They say it’s like I am talking directly to them.

Thank you, John Katz and Maria Wulf, who are my friends, bloggers, writers, photographers, and artists who inspire me to become a better writer and storyteller.

Thank you to my family, who have permitted me to be family members and characters in my stories. Thanks, Marty, for supporting me and my writing. It means the world to me when you tell me it was a good piece I wrote.

Finally, thanks to you guys reading this, I wouldn’t have a blog if no one had read it, and I love when people comment on different subjects; it gives me the confidence to keep going. 

I’ve published 473 posts in two short years, with plenty more to come. I’ve written over a million words in that period as well.

Thanks again; it’s humbling that anyone “gives a shit” about what I have to say. ♥️

7 Replies to “Happy 2nd Anniversary to my blog…

  1. Found you first through Maria’s blog, then shortly after discovered John and have so enjoyed that wonderful triangle of you three ever since. Congratulations on your milestone Julz. BTW…the series on “your gifts” have been my absolute favorites.

  2. I love reading your blogs makes me feel like I’m sitting with you talking. Keep up the great work and Happy 2 years!!!!

  3. Have enjoyed your Blog since I fell upon it after reading Jon’s and Maria’s for years. I have a tendency to gravitate toward Corky People, in a good way !

  4. Julz, I love your unique take on life, your authenticity, and the peek you give us into your life. Keep it coming❣️

  5. I also heard about your blog from John’s blog. I came for the great recipes he said you have. But it is much more than recipes! Congrats on 2 years!

  6. I love your blog and look forward everyday to reading it. You are so honest, which drew me to you. I also heard about you from Jon Katz. Congratulations on two years of writing and I look forward to two more.

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