The shoe is gone…

I walked into the Old Mill building on Wednesday afternoon and laughed while gasping, “shoe is gone!”

I wrote a piece a couple of weeks ago titled The Mysterious Black Shoe, which I heard from many people that they had never heard of hidden shoes before and how interesting it was. 

Before I started my dance class, we discussed the shoe; funny enough, everyone else noticed it was gone. 

That being said, it wasn’t the case of who lost the shoe; it was about what the lost shoe meant to the people who noticed it or “found” it. 

For me, it was that I found a  new idea and took a big step in my writing career. 

For a couple of my dance sisters, it also had different meanings, indicating new paths for them to follow. 

So is that in the lost shoe saga? Maybe or maybe not; only time will tell. 

I have a few food posts to write; hopefully, I can do it in the next few days. Time is going by faster and faster, and there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I wish to.

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