Say it isn’t so…

I am feeling much better and so is Marty; he’s a day or so behind me. I feel almost completely back to normal just a little tired.

I am climbing the walls bored to death now that I am feeling better. We are still holding off on production for a couple more days, but today I worked on the chalkboards for the outdoor farmers market. I have filing that needs to be done too.

We are starting to need some basic supplies and while I am well enough to go get them, I feel like I need to isolate for a little while longer. When I finally do go out I’ll be masked up for another week.

Right now, I am sitting on our back deck getting some fresh air. The temperature is a seasonably warm 63-degrees. The deck boards are warm on my bare feet. It is a nice spring day and hard to believe we are under a winter storm watch for tonight.

Yesterday, it snowed on Easter Sunday, not only here in Vermont, but in parts of Pennsylvania as well. The little bit of snow that stuck to the ground has melted. This kind of weather is completely normal for our area.

Tonight however, we are forecasted to get up to six inches of heavy, wet snow. Ugh! Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds of already being stuck at home, but stuck inside too? This totally blows.

I don’t know how much more television I can possibly watch. Yesterday, Marty and I watched a documentary about a young guy living alone for two years in the woods while building a log cabin by hand; complete with a secret hidden underground food pantry.

The documentary only had sounds but no talking. His dog only barked once. We actually paused the show when we needed to get a drink or go to the bathroom.

Why should you care about this? You shouldn’t, but it’s a description of how pathetic things are for me right now. Lol!

Have a great night guys. I’ll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed the weather forecast is wrong and we don’t clobbered with a lot of snow. 🤞🏼

One Reply to “Say it isn’t so…”

  1. So glad you’re feeling better. I think it looks like we may may dodge the worst of potential snow here in Central NH but as you say, it’s typical for our area and nothing will surprise me. We shall see. Still recovering from five full days of having out of town family visiting. The hubbub, the laundry, the cooking, the leftovers…gah! So much fun and yet, so exhausting. Hang in there Julz.

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