Creating a new category…

Good morning! Normally, we are in production on Friday mornings but due to an issue with our special water supply lines out to the production kitchen and the negative degree temps coming, yesterday we produced enough spätzle for two days.

New heated water lines are coming in the next day or two after the original ones were damaged last week due to the sub-zero wind chill temperatures.

My blog turned one year old this week and this is my 299 post. I tried blogging every day, but with a busy business I missed a few days here and there.

My writing mentor Jon Katz said to always write when you have something to say, if you don’t then don’t write for the sake of writing and producing shit no one cares about. True, true true!

Thanks Jon for taking the time to work with me and help me improve my writing skills. I hear your voice in my head while writing and try to follow your advice.

So what’s new this year? I am finally going to categorize the recipes I’ve posted with a separate category titled “Recipes.” Clever name right? 😜

This morning I am going through my blog posts looking for ones with actual recipes. I have to change the title of each of those posts to make them have the recipe’s title.

Over the last few months I taught myself how to write a recipe directly on the page and not somewhere else then try to import it into the post. Much easier for a person not good with technology.

Marty is going to teach me how to create the new category and how to add recipes to the section. The new recipe category will be in the same menu section with “My blog” “About me” and “Support my blog” choices.

My goal is to also have someone help me figure out how to add a print button on my recipes. I know it can be done with a whatever you call it thingy but I am not sure.

So, thanks for reading my blog over the last year. Looking back I see improvement changes to my writing and positive changes as a person. Your comments and support have made the blog something I look forward to do on a daily basis.

Happy Friday! This is the first one of my blog’s new year and another year on my journey! Thanks again everyone. 😊

4 Replies to “Creating a new category…”

  1. Cheers to your first year and wishing you many more to come!
    I am anxious to try making red cabbage this weekend using your recipe. My German Grandmother would be so proud…

  2. Delighted you’ll soon be adding category tabs. Instead of pondering what week or month I first saw one of your recipes and scrolling like crazy, now it will be wonderfully easy. Congratulations on one year of blogging. You’ve done a fantastic job Julz!

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