
Yesterday, we started our first DIY project of 2022. We wanted to start our project back in early December, but the house was decorated for the holidays; we decided to wait until after the first of the year.

Before I tell you about the project we are tackling, let me tell you how any project goes in the Irion household…it messes up the entire house; we live in chaos leaving me stressed out.

Our kitchen is the room where the project is happening. This is serious business because I depend on my kitchen so much! We need to get the job done as fast as we can, but doing things the right way and not taking any shortcuts.

Dining room.

I just snapped these photos demonstrating exactly what I mean by chaos. There is shit everywhere! My dining room looks like a grocery store and our mudroom looks like a kitchen equipment shop.

Dining room.
Loft in the mudroom.

A little while ago I started to empty out the pantry so it can be moved. Our pantry holds A-LOT of stuff…part of the chaos.

In the pantry, Sam has one non-gluten free shelf of snacks that we keep separate from everything else. I haven’t touched those yet.

The tools and equipment we need for the project are everywhere…part of the chaos.

The six burner stove is disconnected standing in the middle of the kitchen…part of the chaos.

Ok, I made my point. I am taking photos of the project day by day to share later on.

We are in full spätzle production again after the holidays with deliveries to make, so the work on the project comes after all that is done.

Once the first project is done another one connected to the first comes next. Then there is a third one. They have to go in order so this is going to take a while. It’s like the ankle bone is connected to the shin bone story.

I want to keep the project a mystery until part one is done. There should be a pretty big transformation so I want to do a big reveal. Yes, I watch too many renovation shows on tv, I know.

It’s almost 8pm and this is the first time I sat down today. I am beat and starving; I have no clue what to make to eat due to the chaotic mess and not having a stove or oven. We do still have a microwave and toaster oven thank goodness.

Have a great night guys I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. I need a shower and some food badly; probably some Ben Gay tomorrow. 😜

One Reply to “Chaos…”

  1. Such a perfect time to go crazy in the kitchen~the results will be so much fun.

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