Complete takeover…

I told you guys we were doing a kitchen project that as of today, has turned into a bigger renovation than I expected. I don’t know why I didn’t expect it because it’s always the way around here.

Since we started the kitchen project we had stuff from the kitchen in part of the dining room and a corner of the mudroom. Now, it’s grown, taking over the living room, the whole dining & mudroom.

Yes, that’s a purple light in the living room.

Projects always take longer and are more work…in other words we will be living in a total mess for a while. The payoff will be worth it though.

Klaus wondering what in the hell is going on.

One Reply to “Complete takeover…”

  1. Kitchen redo’s take forever! I love the black cabinet and open shelves in the first picture. Redoing our spare bedroom into a sewing room for me, and that would be perfect! Is it an antique or something that is still available?

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