Chicken Croquettes Recipe

A croquette is a savory, breaded patty that can be made of meat or vegetables and is usually fried. The word itself, croquette, is French – it comes from croquer, “to crunch” plus the suffix ette, which usually signifies something cute or little. Definition from

Chicken Croquettes with Chicken Gravy

Last week I made chicken croquettes, something I’ve never made from scratch before. Chicken croquettes are definitely an old school dish. I am a big fan of old school dishes and bringing them back or introducing them to the younger generations.

When I say old school I am usually talking about dishes from the 1950’s, 60’s & 70’s, but chicken croquettes go way back. The croquette originated in France in 1898 by Auguste Escoffier, the founder of classical French Cuisine. With the help of Philias Gilbert they began to write the recipe down. After the formulation and procedures were in place, they began to teach chefs that were under the direction of Chef Escoffier. The chefs started to travel the world and brought with them croquettes.

The original recipe has taken itself into many different directions, by many different cultures. The original beef croquette expanded into salmon, fish, chicken, potato & vegetables. Almost every culture has their own versions of croquettes.

That leads me back to my croquettes. I laughed when I typed “they began to write the recipe down”. Before I try a new recipe I research it, read cooking blogs and compare recipes. I can never find one recipe that I agree with. Some recipes I don’t like their seasonings, the ingredients or the method that the cook used. I compile in my mind all of these ideas, then do my own thing. Big surprise! LOL

Even though I follow a very strict gluten free lifestyle, my recipes can be made without having to use any specialty gluten free ingredients. The exception to the rule for a gluten free version is when I need to substitute an all purpose gluten free flour or breadcrumbs for baking or recipes.

The recipe calls for cooked chicken. You can roast your own, use leftovers like I did, or use rotisserie chicken taken off the bones. My recipe uses ingredients called the holy trinity. This is what people down south, particularly in Louisiana call the combination of onions, celery & bell pepper. In French cooking they call onions, celery & carrots mirepoix.

I’ve written and typed tons of recipes over the years, but this is my first time doing it for a blog. I’ve come a long way in a week, and I am getting better working with WordPress every day. Today I learned how to insert gallery photos!!!! Exciting shit I tell you! Writing the recipe was the easiest part. Actually, on second thought, making the croquettes was the easiest.

I am sure I will look at this first recipe in a couple weeks and cringe. You can probably expect that it will look better one day when I re-do it. LOL. I am accepting right now that this is where I am at with my WordPress skills, and it can only get better from here! Bon appetit!

Chicken Croquettes with Chicken Gravy

Serves 4


2 cups of minced cooked chicken
2 Tbsp minced onion
2 Tbsp minced celery
2 Tbsp minced bell pepper (I prefer red or yellow)
1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp freshly cracked pepper
1/2 cup flour or (GF version use corn FLOUR not starch or GF flour)
1 egg
2 Tbsp water
1 – 1/2 cups plain dry breadcrumbs (GF version I use Progresso GF Panko)
Canola or vegetable oil for frying

Thick white sauce:

2 Tbsp butter
3 Tbsp flour or (GF version the same amount of potato starch)
1 cup milk
1/2 tsp celery salt
1/2 tsp poultry seasoning
1/2 tsp dry mustard
Pinch of pepper

Chicken Gravy:

1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp flour or (GF version potato starch or GF flour)
1 cup chicken broth or stock (GF version use GF broth or stock)
Pinch of poultry seasoning
1-2 Tbsp heavy cream (optional)
Kosher salt & pepper to taste


Thick white sauce:

Melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium heat.  Once the butter has melted, add in the flour or potato starch, the celery salt, poultry seasoning, dry mustard and pepper.  Whisk the ingredients together and let cook for 2 minutes whisking constantly. 

Add the milk slowly and whisk until well blended and making sure there are no lumps. Cook whisking constantly for 1 minute. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. The sauce is going to be very thick.

Chicken mixture:

In a large bowl mix chicken, onions, celery, bell pepper, salt and pepper. Mix well to combine.

Add the cooled thick white sauce, mix well to combine.

Using a scoop, form the chicken mixture into equal size balls rolling with your hands to form. Slightly wet your hands or the scoop if the mixture begins to stick to either.

Beat the egg with the 2 Tbsp water and set up a dredging station with flour, egg and breadcrumbs.

Dredge the balls of chicken one at a time into the flour or corn flour, then dip into the egg shaking off  any excess, then roll in the breadcrumbs making sure the whole croquette is evenly covered.  Place each croquette on a plate and put into the refrigerator for about 25 minutes.

Pour approximately 2 inches of oil into a cast iron skillet or dutch oven. Heat the oil until it reaches 350 degrees or until a bit of breadcrumbs sizzle when added to the oil.  Carefully add the croquettes to the hot oil being careful to not crowd the pan. Fry for about 2 minutes turning or rolling the croquettes in the oil until all sides are evenly golden brown. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels.  Place croquettes on a baking sheet. Repeat until all croquettes are fried. Set aside on the sheet pan while making the chicken gravy.

Chicken Gravy:

In a small saucepan melt the over medium heat.  Whisk in the flour or potato starch and the poultry seasoning. Cook whisking constantly for 1 minute. 

Slowly add the broth or stock to the pan, whisking constantly removing any lumps that may form.  Cook for 3-5 minutes whisking constantly until the gravy begins to thicken. 

Simmer on very low for 5-7 minutes whisking occasionally. Whisk in the heavy cream if using.  If the gravy becomes too thick, add 1 tablespoon at a time of chicken broth until the gravy loosens a bit, but doesn’t become too watery. Season with kosher salt and pepper.

Reheat the chicken croquettes at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes or until hot. Top with chicken gravy.  Serve with mashed potatoes or side of your choice.

*** For extra gravy simply double the recipe.

*** Double the croquette recipe then freeze half. Bake the frozen croquettes at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until pipping hot.

2 Replies to “Chicken Croquettes Recipe”

  1. Thank you for the recipe. You did a fantastic job! I like your sense of humor too.

  2. Format and photos look great – can’t wait to try it! I like your combination of historical/factual background combined with your own take on making the dish. And great to have both the traditional recipe and the GF tips.

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