The saga continues…the banana chronicles

I wrote about banana etiquette a week or so ago.  I haven’t thought about it since I wrote it and I am still peeling my bananas from the top. 

Today at the bank out of the blue, the girls at the bank told me that two out of three of them peel their bananas from the bottom and they like that it has a handle. The third girl peels hers from the top like me. 

I asked Kelly if she was a left handed thinker and if Amanda was too. She said “I don’t really know”.  I quickly asked her if she was more analytical, was good at math and science and not artistic. She laughed and said yes, then added Amanda was too. So my theory about left handed thinkers being bottom peelers was proving to be correct. 

Here is what sealed the deal…when I asked if Katie the top peeler was artistic Kelly laughed again and said she was. I let out a big squeal of laughter and said I knew it! I asked if it was ok if I wrote about them and they said yes.

So there you have it folks…left handed thinkers and right handed thinkers peel their bananas differently. One likes a handle and the other didn’t give a rats ass about having a handle or not. 

I did some reading up on bottom peelers and apparently this is how moneys eat their bananas. 🙈🙉🙊 LOL

6 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today

2 Replies to “The saga continues…the banana chronicles”

  1. After reading this blog, I just HAD to go back and read your Banana Etiquette blog. According to your definition, I’m a left-handed thinker (who knew!). However, I fully agree with YOU about bananas … especially about that “thing” at the bottom end of the banana. Disgusting! (I hooted out loud when I read that sentence!!) I , too, tried peeling them from the bottom and just ended up squishing it. I, too, went back to peeling them from the top and … bonus … the disgusting thing stays hidden. I just finish eating the lovely part of the banana and leave that last half-bite which goes into the garbage along with the “thing”. Sorry, Julz … I guess I’m de-bunking your theory! I read about your blog on Jon Katz’s blog today. Glad I looked you up.

  2. Hello Julz! I am Nora’s sister and I’m pleased she gave me the link to get here. Like Nora, I am analytical. I am quite good at checking math, but I don’t really enjoy math. I like reading about science, or watching a science show on TV, but I wouldn’t say I’m good at science. I am artistic. I take painting classes. But … I am right-handed. Does that mean I’m a right-handed thinker? Perhaps you could start a new category for artistic right-handers.

    I should say I’m not sure if I came up with the idea myself. My late husband was very analytical, extremely good at math and science (he had math and science books that he read for pleasure), and he was not at all artistic. So he fits your definition of a bottom-peeling left-handed thinker. He may have taught me to peel from the bottom.

    I find that the bottom of a banana is usually firmer than the top, so it’s easier to snap open. If it feels as if it’s going to squish, I cut it open. I use the handle and use the skin as a handy wrap for disposal into a seal-able plastic bag to avoid attracting fruit flies.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to discuss the better way to peel bananas.

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