The Asparagus Situation

Mini egg cups with Swiss, ham & Asparagus

Ugh I overcooked my gorgeous asparagus!!! I tell my cooking students if they want to enjoy cooking don’t overwhelm yourself. Pick recipes that are correct for the amount of time you have. I also tell them to Mise en Place which means to make your place or in other words prep your food ahead so the actually cooking is quick and easy. So I was blanching my asparagus for dinner the next night. I did this while I had a lot going on including feeding our dogs Otto & Klausie boy. Needless to say I overcooked the asparagus. Sigh, I wanted it to be crisp tender and ready to be sautéed with a little butter and lemon to serve with my scallops and gnocchi the next night. Damn no other green veggies in the house so my dinner will be not what I wanted. Now what do I do with this limp, boarding on mushy but still green asparagus????? I decided the next morning to make egg cups. So I cut a bunch of the least mushy pieces into little pieces, chopped up some off the bone ham, grated some Swiss cheese, grabbed a pinch of dried onion flakes and tarragon. Cracked some eggs, throw all the stuff in with a splash of half and half and prayed. LOL I’ve made egg cups before so I knew that my 2 cup liquid measuring cup filled to the top is the perfect amount for my 24 cup mini muffin tin. Threw in a 350 degree oven for about 13 minutes and boom we had Sunday breakfast. The rest of the mushy asparagus will get mixed into Otto and Klausie boy’s food for the next couple of days.