Our playful girl…

I know I post a shitload of Nelly photos with her looking so peaceful and usually sleeping.

That’s the cuddly side of her. Then there is the funny and playful side. She is hysterical to watch.

Nelly is great at keeping herself busy with her toys if I am busy in the house.

My role is Nelly’s nurturer, her spa attendant, her private chef, and most of all her mommy. I love these rolls.

I didn’t not chose to be her playmate.

When Klaus was alive he was Nelly’s playmate. That was the best year of his life.

After Klausie died Marty filled that role and Nelly is as relentless with him as she was with Klaus.

She pulls all her tricks to get him to play with her like she did with Klaus.

I miss that big goofball so much, but not all that barking.

She barks at him, snaps at his limps like piranha girl, tries to rile him up until he can’t say no.

See why I didn’t chose that role? 😂

After 15 minutes of playing her favorite game of fetch the ball, Klaus taught her well, she is exhausted.

Once exhausted, she will snuggle with Marty for hours with piranha girl no where in sight. Just daddy’s little sweetheart.

Marty is at the farmers market today so Nelly is content to snuggle next to me any chance she gets, listens for the sounds of me cutting up fruits or vegetables, and follows me from room to room.

Before we got Nelly, we spoke to our breeder in depth specifying exactly the kind of dog we needed at this point in our lives.

We wanted a little cuddle bug with a playful side and boy, did he deliver. ☺️

3 Replies to “Our playful girl…”

  1. Absolutely adore these pix and videos of the playful side of Nellie! Dogs are such a blessing in our lives!

  2. There’s never too many Nellie pictures! Absolutely loved the videos. Dottie dawg, our Cairn Terrier, loves to chase after anything, but has never quite grasped the concept of retrieving!

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