It’s my birthday…

58 trips around the sun. This is going to be my best year yet; I can feel it.

I’ve been working on releasing things that no longer serve me and removing blockages.

My niece Tabatha, pointed out that we had a vortex in our home. Vortexes are bad, it’s when two mirrors are facing each other.

Why kind of psychic medium am I?

As soon as my brother and Tabby left on Sunday afternoon, I removed the living room mirror. I left the one in our dining room.

It wasn’t my imagination, I felt a shift occur. I believe the vortex was blocking good luck, prosperity, and opportunities to come through our home.

The vortex was located two feet from the front door. I educated myself about the two mirror thing and was shocked I didn’t feel it.

Again, what kind of medium am I?

I guess it’s like reiki, it works on anything I touch or send remotely but I can’t feel it on myself.

This morning we made a trip to Saratoga to make spätzle deliveries and we found these two mugs at TJ Maxx which are perfect for tea.

They were waiting for me on my birthday for $5 each. A bargain! 🥳

This afternoon and evening I will be belly dancing with my friends and students. My leg is feeling great. Knock on wood.

I pulled a container of meatballs and sauce out of the freezer. We will make a little pasta when I get home.

Presto, one of my favorite birthday dinners as a child. Mmmmmmm! 🍝

Have a great day, guys! Thanks for letting me be me.

6 Replies to “It’s my birthday…”

  1. Happy Birthday Julz. Wishing you a fabulous day. I’m off to check my mirror situation in the house. Thanks!

  2. Sending heartfelt birthday wishes! In your honor, I will celebrate with a supper of your delicious spatzel with grape tomatoes and parmesan cheese. Cheers to 58 years! 🍷

  3. Oh snap – we have two mirrors facing one another and I’m getting rid of one of them! Thanks for the education. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend. Enjoy everything life has to offer.

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