
The Acorn Spice candle from Mrs. Meyers is lovely!

Hi! I am still here guys just busy during Oktoberfest season and filling orders.

Fall is here and I am enjoying the cooler temps but holy shit, this has been the worst fall allergy season in our area!

A summer of rain and hot humid weather made for a breeding ground of mold and bacteria.

As the leaves are falling, so is all of that nasty shit. 🤧

Fall is also a time when the veil to the other side gets thinner. I’ve been able to journey easily and have learned a few new things to help me on my journey.

I can’t wait to tell you about them, I am sure they will help anyone seeking to calm their mind and worries.

Gotta run, it time to make the spätzle. I’ll catch up with you again very soon!

Have a great day guys! ~julz

One Reply to “Hi…”

  1. You’re so right about the allergens this season. Even with meds I’ve been sneezing my brains out. Can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to share!

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