On the road with Squinty…

Sometimes Marty and I have to divide and conquer when it comes to the spätzle business, which by the way, was launched six years ago yesterday.

He went to the farmers market, and I made deliveries in Saratoga, NY, with Nelly. It was a good decision since it was cold and windy.

After I loaded up the deliveries, we hit the road. Nelly was happy as a clam in her little bed on the heated seat. 

She is safe in the truck since she is harnessed in and can’t distract me or jump around the car while I am driving. 

After our first stop at Healthy Living, I got her out of the warm truck to pee. When I opened the door, she was squinting at me. Squinting = she doesn’t like something. 😂

She wouldn’t pee since she is stubborn, so we went to the store five below to look at their cute doggie clothes, which cost $5 or less.

When I was looking at little fleece jackets in her size, I heard her snorting. I turned around, and she had a pair of shoes held together with elastic around her neck. 

I started cracking up, and so did the customers who saw her. It was hilarious, and so was her reaction. I found her size and some puppy wipes and left. 

When I harnessed her back into her seat,  I put the jacket over her with the wipes, and she squinted at me again. Lol. 

After we made our next delivery at the store Four Seasons, I got her out of the truck again since I wanted to walk across the street to the Saratoga farmers market. She squinted at me. 😆

I was a vendor at the Saratoga market for four years and wanted to say hello to some of my vendor friends. Nelly loved the market.

As I recall, there are many dogs at the market and lots of Frenchies. She got to meet one of my favorite Frenchies named Louie. 

Louie used to run to my table and sit for a piece of spätzle every week. He knew exactly where my tent was and would drag his owner down the sidewalk.  

We started heading home, and Nelly fell asleep before I pulled out of our parking space. She snored the whole way home. 

When we got home, I took her out of her harness and put her down on the driveway. She squinted at me. 

When we got inside, I tried on her new jacket; she squinted at me again. By now, I laughed out loud and kissed her on her little head. She is really something.

It turns out she did like the jacket because when I asked her to pose, she did, and I squinted her and snapped her photo. 

It was an enjoyable and different delivery day with my little Nelly girl. She was happy to see Klaus when we were home. 

The shenanigans began right away since they both woke up from a nap. She was raring to go and ran around like hell on wheels. 

Since I wrote about her peeing in the house, the weather got warmer, and she could go in and out whenever needed.

She hasn’t had one accident, even when they are playing hard. I watched her run out the door, run down the stairs, run skidding to the one step down to the grass, and run like crazy until she found a spot to pee, then ran back inside.

I’m glad she finally got the hang of it; we just have to ensure the sliding door is open when they play inside.

Life with little Miss Squinty is never boring; she makes everyone smile when they see her. She really is the best and Klaus is one hell of a good sport.💕

One Reply to “On the road with Squinty…”

  1. Miss Squinty…love that moniker. She and Klaus are adorable. Loved hearing about your road trip too.

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