
With each week, Nelly sees, learns, and does more things, and Klaus, Marty, and I fall deeper in love with her.

This week, Nelly’s cute sweater my friend Ann knit her was too small. Since the weather has been dreadfully cold and wet, I bought her a three-pack of pink fleece sweatshirts and a cute t-shirt.

“Mommy, take this off me, it’s too small.”

We have been doing our homework from puppy class with Klaus and it is going brilliantly. We are practicing sit, lay down, and come; I throw in shake with Klausie boy.

One of Nelly’s and my favorite times is her daily grooming or spa time. Frenchie’s love to be pampered and clean and Nelly is no exception.

When she sees me get out her grooming basket, she lays on her back and waits. She snorts the entire time which is her way of talking to us. It’s adorable.

Nelly’s big outing of the week was a trip to Home Depot and riding in the cart. If she is going to come with us everywhere, this is a training exercise as well.

She was so excited riding in the shopping cart. While we were walking around I worked with her to sit down in the cart.

She listened well but sometimes saw something new and would get up on her hind legs. I would gently pull her back with her lease and say sit. Over and over, but that’s how she learns.

Jon Katz often writes about how owners don’t follow through with obedience training and wonder why their pets don’t listen. I am training Nelly all day, every day.

I have so much more patience and time to train Nelly than I did with Otto & Klaus. I find that the things that I have learned as a belly dance teacher apply to dog training.

I say, “Nelly, pose.” and she does. 😂

Watching how much fun Nelly and Klaus have while playing together is heartwarming. I was able to spring-clean our refrigerator, freezer, and pantries without interruption. This was indeed a major accomplishment.

As long as I can hear them, things are good, it’s when they get quiet, I check on them. When this happened yesterday, I found them sleeping in front of the fireplace.

When I saw them like this, it was a total awww moment that would make me grin ear to ear. She is truly a little sweetheart. 💕

6 Replies to “Wheee!”

  1. So wonderful to see. She’s adorable. Now I’m thinking once again of getting Dottie dog and ourselves another companion. Dot’s favorite stores are Lowe’s and Hm Depot. So many friendly pats and dog cookies!

  2. Nelly is just adorable. I love all of her little outfits she wears shopping with you. She is a joy to see and read about.

  3. My doggy loves Home Depot, too! I take a little pad for him to sit on because he doesn’t like the wire mesh of the cart.

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