
Since Otto passed away at the beginning of the month Klaus has been different. At times he is glum and depressed and it got worse especially after Sam left.

A few times he was happy when he got his first toys for Christmas, but he’s not interested in them anymore. On the bright side, he is interested in me, a little. Lol.

I don’t know if he sensed my sadness or I could pay attention to him without a dog fight. Klaus was a strong alfa and needed to show everyone who was boss. Everyone but Sam that is, Sam could get him to do anything. Sam was the pack leader.

Marty is working on taking that role in the pack. Mine is still to feed and nurture. I’ve been Klaus’ private chef for years and he knows not to bite the hand that butters your bread so to speak.

After Otto’s absence was more than obvious, Klaus started following me around like Otto did. Up and down the stairs. In and outside. In and out of rooms.

Last week, I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride. We could never take either dog for a ride or one would get jealous which led to growling and the fur on their backs standing on end. We were always on the lookout for this forewarning.

Now, if I am running a quick errand or local delivery I take him with me. He loves it and I like having him with me.

Klaus and I are getting to know each other better even after 8 years. He is still lost and not quite sure what to do, or even where to lay down. It’s sad he misses Sam and Otto so much.

Marty and I are helping him along and trying to get him into new routines and activities. Next week, he won’t be very happy since is is going to the vet for a surgery consultation.

He has had a cyst on his back right paw for a while. We agreed with the vet if it gets worse it has to be taken care of. Of course, during the last month it got worse. Not what we needed so soon, it hasn’t even been a month since we lost Otto.

Anyway, Klaus is my new co-pilot and I don’t even care about getting pet hair all over my trucks seats. I needed to get an air freshener, so the inside of the truck doesn’t smell like a dog.

Happy New Year everyone! Cheers! 🥂 Here is to better days ahead. I’ll catch up with you next year!

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