The hot and cold weather makes my arthritis unbearable. My back and left hip have been hurting since Monday. Today, is the worst.
At belly dance classes on Wednesday, my back and hip hurt so bad it made me stop a couple of times. I can always push through pain, but it was tough.
Production this week was brutal so I was happy today I only had to go to Saratoga, NY to make a couple of deliveries. Ouch!
The only part of the trip that wasn’t horrible was driving with the heated seats which I keep them on all year because of my back.
Everywhere was crowded since it is a holiday. I was behind every slow driver possible and the ride home took forever.
Right now, I’m laying on a heating pad and trying to relax to get some relief. I’ve had arthritis since my 20’s so this is nothing new, just cumbersome.
Happy Friday, we are meeting friends at the Inn across the street for a drink later, this will not stop me from doing that.
Happy Friday! Have a good weekend!
Sitting here with a heating pad also. I am going to alternate between my stomach and my back. Feel better!