
Me and Bethany on Wednesday night.

No, magic isn’t one of my spiritual or supernatural gifts; however, I’ve always been a big fan of magicians. I loved a magic kit I had when I was a little kid.

One of my close friends and dance bestie, Bethany, moved to North Carolina 5 years ago. I was sad when she left, but I knew it was the right decision for her. 

We danced at so many gigs together and went to many events, all of which we took selfies of beforehand. Our selfies always came out great with my selfie technique, not overthinking it and just snapping the photo in less than 3 seconds.

The Sahidi Sisters at a photo shoot. Photo credit Steven Trubitt.

Dance just wasn’t the same for a while. Kathleen and I continue to dance in our dwindling professional troupe, The Sahidi Sisters, as a duet which is fun, but not as fun as a trio, quartet, or when we had 7 Sahidi Sisters. 

Bethany is now wrapping up a year-long cross-country adventure and was able to pass through VT on the final leg of her trip. 

I was so excited when I found out she could visit and be able to come on Wednesday, our belly dance day. I quickly set up our guest room and started planning what food I would make. It’s what I do. Lol.

Kathleen, Bethany, and I danced together for 13 years, twice a week, for thousands of hours. We danced very tight, meaning you wouldn’t believe it was improv, and we could read each other’s minds when it came to dancing.

After Bethany arrived, we had a quick bowl of pasta fagioli and went to meet Kathleen at the dance studio. 

Bethany told us she was rusty since she hadn’t danced our style for so many years and didn’t dance during covid or her year-long adventure.

I put on a music set, and bam! Magic. Not just magic, but fucking magic. It was as if no time had passed. We were a tight trio again, so tight we could have performed right there and then seamlessly. 

The three of us locked into each other’s energy and were able to read each other’s minds again. It was so familiar, honestly, as though no time had passed—the magical power of music and dance. 

I know music is magic since it can bring back memories to dementia patients and muscle memory from activities such as dance and other movements. 

Bethany stayed and danced with our students during our classes, some of whom she danced with for 10 years. Again, as though no time had passed. She got to dance with students who had joined us since she left. 

The Sahidi Sister’s photo “Belly dancing in Vermont isn’t for sissys.” 😂

Yesterday, we hung out all day and just chatted. We ate a lot of yummy food and drank lots of red wine. 

Marty, Bethany, and I watched a live arena production of Jesus Christ Superstar that was filmed 10 years ago in England but seemed like it was filmed last week. It was fantastic with such a talented cast. We all enjoyed it; we are all big musical theater fans.

Bethany’s visit was easy since I didn’t have to fret about her coming since she’s been here so many times before. Otto and Klausie may have remembered her since they loved her so much, taking turns cuddling with her.

They say true friends are the ones where you can pick up right where you left off, even after not seeing or talking to each other for long periods. They are right!

She has one more week of her long journey then it’s back to North Carolina for her. We promised each other we wouldn’t wait 5 years to see or dance with each other again. ☺️

It did feel great playing hooky yesterday, but today it was back to work, making deliveries and packing for the Troy Farmers Market tomorrow. 

Happy Friday, guys! Enjoy your weekend! Safe travels, Bethany! 😚

2 Replies to “Magic…”

  1. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to see you again, and dance, and catch up! I don’t miss winter, but I miss Vermont, and especially my friends! Thanks for this beautiful post, Julz, and all the throwback photos!

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