New doc, again…

I wish I had one physician like people did back in the old days. One who knew you and not only your medical and family history, but your family.

Like everything else, things change and we have to roll with the punches; we have no choice. I have had three primary care providers in the last five years.

I had an appointment with my new doctor yesterday whom I have seen in the past for minor issues; but now she is my primary provider.

The word provider felt strange to me when it first made its debut. It feels sterile and foreign to me.

Anyway, at my appointment we discussed the numerous panic attacks I have been experiencing.

I explained my mental status in a nutshell and we put together a plan. Knowing my biological family history is indeed helpful now.

Fingers crossed I can get this shit under control and soon. 🤞🏼

It’s belly dance day which is the best medicine and therapy for me by far. Yip!