
I am on day six of having covid and I am still sick. Nothing serious, just sick. I thought I was feeling better yesterday then I started to get congested before bed.

Misery loves company so Marty joined me in the covid department yesterday. He pretty much feels like I do. We both have such major fatigue it’s easy to rest all of the time.

The weird thing with having covid is I am craving foods like crazy. Normally, when I have a craving I make whatever it is. I have been craving roasted chicken since Wednesday. Luckily for me it cooks itself and I had one in the freezer. 

We didn’t loose our taste or smell but mine is dampened a bit because of my stuffy nose however the smell of the chicken roasting is heavenly and is making my stomach growl.

Through this entire sickness I have been starving. I mean STARVING! The bad part is I don’t have the energy or want to cook. We’ve been living on simple things that don’t require much or any cooking.

The other thing I am craving are sweet things, something I hardly ever crave. I want ice cream and those little chocolate pudding cups with whipped cream sprayed from a can. Funny right? Of all the things to crave. Lol.

I just threw some rice, chicken broth and some seasonings into the rice cooker; another dish that cooks by itself to go with the chicken later. The best part is there will be hardly any dishes to wash.

I was thinking yesterday that this is the first Easter I am not making a big dinner. It will be as simple as it gets. It will also just be the two of us having dinner.

We did pick up a tiny ham before we came down with covid so I will bake that. I also have some asparagus on hand and will make some easy kind of potatoes.

No deviled eggs or pizzagaina like I always make. No brunch quiche, Easter desserts or little dinner rolls for leftover ham sliders. 

You know what? It’s ok. I am actually too tired to care and here’s the thing, I don’t have to make those things only on Easter Day. I can make them anytime. 

I wish you all a very Happy Easter, Passover or Sunday, which ever you celebrate. 🙂