
I missed the first belly dance class of the new year because I had a sore throat, a headache, and dizziness. I took a rapid home test for covid, and it was negative. It was gone when I woke up the next day. Weird.

The following week I noticed that I kept getting dizzy every time I tilted my head or turned a certain way. I thought it was still from what I had the week before since I knew two other people, Martin and a girl from the bank who had the same symptoms. Weird.

The dizziness came and went, but I noticed it whenever I got into my truck or bent down at work. I have not been dizzy when teaching belly dance classes, including calibrated spin drills. We stand up straight with good posture and never tip our heads, so that makes sense.

At the last farmer’s market, we were at, I heard about three other people experiencing the same symptoms. None of us had vertigo in our history. I kept thinking we all must have had the same viral thing earlier in the month.

Since Sunday, the dizziness has been worse. I had to hold on multiple times when we were in Bennington on Monday. The dizziness continued throughout the day.

Yesterday, while working, I was very dizzy. Dizzy enough to call my doctor, I only go to the doctor for checkups, or if something is really wrong. I was lucky enough to get an appointment that afternoon.

From what my practitioner said, it was classic vertigo. She prescribed a medication to help and referred me to physical therapy. I am waiting for a call to set up an appointment.

I had no idea how or why I suddenly had vertigo or how PT could help me. Here’s what I learned from Wikipedia; you can click on the link if you want to know more.

I got dizzy again today in the production kitchen, so I had to figure out how not to tilt my head as much and turn around slowly. I work in a 5×5 foot space in my batter-making area, moving around that small area quickly and constantly.

Later today, I will go pick up the prescription if I need it; I am very sensitive and react to many different medications, so I will take it when I have nowhere to go or nothing to do.

I will teach my belly dance classes tonight and go on with life as normally as possible until this thing goes away. Fingers crossed.

4 Replies to “Vertigo…”

  1. I have suffered numerous times from Vertigo—I became afraid to drive because of it—I had it 6 months one time and 4 months another time—and then a day or two here and there—the chiropractor helped—-good luck to you.

  2. I see someone has already suggested the Epley Maneuver.
    You can watch a You Tube video that instructs how to do it.

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