My reflection…

This afternoon while doing my hair, I noticed my reflection reflected itself in the other mirror I was using. I grabbed my Ipad and snapped a photo. I am not a photographer and rarely see cool things to shoot except food; I am glad I captured this moment.

I woke up on Monday, and that terrible vertigo I was experiencing was gone. Thank goodness! Good thing too because we had to make a lot of spätzle this week. This upcoming weekend is President’s Day weekend, with schools on vacation next week.

The ski resort restaurants that feature our spätzle on their menus must be expecting big numbers placing large orders from us. Good for them after losing so much business during the pandemic. 🤗

Many wholesale, retail customers have also placed orders for second homeowners and Airbnb travelers who cook. It makes my heart happy that some people love to cook and entertain at home rather than go to crowded restaurants every night of their vacations. Plus, you don’t have to worry about getting pulled over and getting a DWI.

Last night, my belly dance class was great! All three of my students paid for the month and came every week. The three of them are doing so unbelievably well, and we are having a lot of fun. Yip!

We ended up eating Marty’s birthday dinner later than I expected, well after 9 pm. I was starving and exhausted, waiting for the Cheeseburger Pie to reheat. It was as delicious as ever, so were the tater tots I served with it.

The upside-down pineapple cake was dry. I am critical of my cooking, which helps me become a better cook. The cake was dry because it was a boxed gluten-free cake mix; it tasted ok, but you needed a big drink while you were eating it. Oh well! Next year, I’ll remember to make time to make my own cake.

Today, Marty went on the Saratoga, NY delivery run himself while I stayed home to clean the house. It is amazing how much hair and dirt collects in a short amount of time. The filth that can accumulate in just a week makes me say each time I empty the vacuum bag, “Holy shit, we live in filth!” They wouldn’t believe me if anyone came over since the house looks clean; it must hide in deep, dark places. 😜

Tomorrow is Friday once again; boy, they come quickly! We have a lot of spätzle to make for more orders and the Troy Farmer’s Market on Saturday. We are so blessed that our business is booming and appreciate our customers who support our small business! Thank you! ❤️

2 Replies to “My reflection…”

  1. Julz, you and Marty put your hearts and souls into the business and it’s paying off!

  2. So strange I too have been suffering vertigo during these past two weeks. Seeing the chiropractor tomorrow so she can do the Epley maneuver on me and try to make the dizziness go away. Fingers crossed. Been to Littleton CoOp two times and no spaetzle! So sad. Love your photo within a photo!

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