Finished kitchen project…

Klaus is happy the project is over, and he has a new cozy area rug to lay on. He used only to have a runner in front of the sink.

We finished with the kitchen project! The main construction and painting took only over a week since we didn’t change the footprint but putting together all the little details took longer than expected. It’s always the way.

At the end of this project, we bought on Facebook Marketplace a brand new exhaust vent hood that cost half price from a previous buyer that changed their mind and went with something different. We used 2 gallons of paint and 3 boxes of tile and grout. We purchased a new area rug, three stools, a couple of shelves, and a cabinet organizer for the design.

We decided to purchase new glassware that matched. We also picked up a box of 12 caterers’ white plates and bowls. We bought new spice jars on the two raw steel shelves from a small business artisan. Then a few miscellaneous odds and ends finished out the look we wanted.

Our kitchen design is industrial meets farmhouse with lots of straight lines and simplicity. My kitchen is even more functional than before since everything is so organized.

The old kitchen was fun, funky, and functional, but we were ready for a change. We are happy with the results, and I say out loud while cooking how much I love my new kitchen! Yes, I am still obsessed with keeping it clean.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. ☺️

***I just researched “industrial farmhouse kitchens” and found we nailed it more than I thought. Yay!

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