Brrrr! 🥶

Windshield at 6:30 am.

Today much of the East Coast is being pounded by a nor’easter, dumping over a foot of snow “down the shore” in NJ with more on the way! Yikes, they never get snow like this!

The Boston area has received a foot and a half of snow in some areas. Blizzard warnings are in effect until Sunday morning, with another 4-7 inches of snow expected.

Our area of the North East was spared from the blizzard snowfall by only getting an inch or two but fell into another deep freeze. Again! The last three Saturdays, which are our Troy Farmer’s Market days have had sub-zero temperatures not counting the wind chill. We are under a wind chill advisory tonight, with wind chill temps as low as 20-30 below zero. That is cold AF!

My sweet boy Otto watching me while putting on multiple layers for the market.
His eyes said, “Come back to bed Mama Julz.” Or, “so long sucker!” Lol.

It was a cold, snowy ride to the market this morning. We got stuck behind a plow truck for miles going under 25 mph, making the ride to Troy feel like it took forever. I shouldn’t have been so eager to get there as I sat in Marty’s warm truck with heated seats.

The Artium building that houses the Troy Market isn’t used during the week; however, the heat gets turned on Fridays. Our spot at the market is 20 yards from one of the entranceways making it super cold without any heat.

We thought the last two weeks at the market were cold, but the cold was different today than the previous two Saturdays. It was relentless and unsympathetic with strong winds.

My Parisian mask Sue made for me!

We dress appropriately making me feel like the Michelin Man but it honestly doesn’t matter when you aren’t moving around for 6 hours. I usually wear a surgical mask but today I wore a heavy three-layer cloth mask; which seemed to keep my face from freezing. The market manager’s wife makes them from super cute fabric and gives them out to the vendors. Thank you, Sue!

Here is an FYI…we use toe warmers on these cold days and they really work keeping our toes from cramping up standing on the cold tile floor. I bought two six-packs of toe warmers and now can’t find the other package for next week. I put things away in easy-to-find places for when I need them; then I can never find them. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I use anti-fog wipes for my glasses that work brilliantly. You have to take your time and use them correctly. I wipe my glasses and let them dry, then repeat two more times. The problem I had today was instead of my glasses fogging up; they kept glazing over with a thin layer of ice. 😖

We found a warm spot in the building before the market started and set up a picnic area. We had fancy toast with avocado egg salad. Actually, we had toasted whole-grain gluten-free english muffins from River Canyon and they sucked! The texture wasn’t good but thank goodness the avocado eggsalad was lit!

I made my normal eggsalad but instead of using mayonnaise, I added mashed avocado. It had a great consistency with “good” fat from the avocado as opposed to “bad” fat in mayonnaise. I ended up eating some of the eggsalad off the english muffins. The package of 4 english muffins cost $6.99 a disappointing purchase. I never mind spending money on good things, but I was pissed about these. Now, what the fuck will I do with the other two? I hate throwing food away.

We made it through the long, cold market and were slapped with temps that felt colder than the morning. I stayed dressed in my down coat zipped up, my scarf, hat, and gloves on the entire ride back to Vermont. When we got home the temperature here was 5 degrees colder than NY. Is there really a difference when we are talking about such extreme bitter, and ungodly cold temperatures?

I had the tea kettle on as soon as I stepped inside. We were cold inside and out. I made Marty a cup of tea and a hot chocolate with a shot of Bailey’s in it for me. The plan was to grill wagyu burgers outdoors tonight but the hell with that idea! I have no clue what to make now and have no backup plan. It happens to all of us…the great dinner dilemma. It will probably end up heating up leftovers.

Stay warm my friends and don’t overdo it with the shoveling. The white stuff will still be there in the morning.