First day on the job…

Life is crazy busy here in Spätzle-Ville trying to pump out enough product to fill our holiday orders. We have large orders for a few restaurants and many retail stores filling their freezers and cooler with our spätzle for the Christmas holiday.

When we started this business almost five years ago, I was shocked at how many families have spätzle on either for dinner on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Up until they could buy our tasty, no-boil spätzle, they were making it themselves. This gives our customers more time to spend with their families and not in the kitchen cleaning up a spätzle making mess; I should know I do it almost every day. Ironically, 80% of our customers are not gluten-free folks, just people who like our product’s taste, texture, and convenience.

We love hearing people’s stories about Christmas’ past and how they remember their omas’ or mothers’ making spätzle for their holiday meals. It always makes them smile while telling us their stories, and we feel privileged to be on their Christmas dinner tables.

This morning we had one of the owners of a restaurant in Ludlow, VT, pick up a bunch of cases for their restaurant called Sam’s Steakhouse. They are as excited as we are having our spätzle on their menu as a killer Macaroni & Cheese. We are thrilled to be at another fabulous restaurant in a ski resort town.

Later in the day, Skye (my new truck) had her very first delivery to our distributor Wilcox Ice Cream. The delivery schedule is different due to the holiday, so we had to scramble to make enough for all the orders to various specialty and co-op stores in the state.

The truck was easy to load and unload since the bed of the truck isn’t too high for me to reach; for those who don’t know me in person, I am a short 5’2″ on a good day.

So far, between yesterday and today’s production, we have made more spätzle in two days than we do in a week sometimes. Tomorrow is another big production day, and Wednesday, we are on the road making our NY deliveries. One of our stops is to one of our customers, a principal of a school. He is giving each of the teachers one of our two-pound bags. We will be delivering his spätzle directly to his school. What a lovely gift indeed!

I can’t believe Christmas Eve is only four days away. We will be having raclette for dinner. I will write more about raclette tomorrow when I get the equipment out. Have a great night and stay warm; it was in the low teens here this morning. 🥶

3 Replies to “First day on the job…”

  1. The warmth of your blog as well as your personality shine through in spite of that cold nippy weather up there in Vermont…..says this Florida gal. Thanks, Julz.

  2. Raclette a family tradition, hard to believe is almost Christmas Eve…blessings of the season to you and yours…Elizabeth

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